Hello everyone! It was quite while since all the regular members got together ! It's the first time since this past February - for the...

Hello everyone! Here is the summary of the meeting held on Feb. 22(#4) at the Oyama Community Center. There were seven attendees,...

Hello everyone! Let me report on the meeting(#3) held on Feb.8 (at the Tea Room of the Seishin Community Center). The participants were...
Hello everyone! Here is the summary of the meeting held on Jan. 25. (2nd meeting of the year) Happily all the regular members attended...

Hello everyone and Happy New Year to each of you ! Here is the summary of the first SMC this year held on January 11. There were six...

From now on, a report of each meeting is made in English. There may be some misunderstanding of the contents of speeches or something. So...

11月9日(土)のSMCを報告します。 SM K Narisawa、SM Yo Narisawa、SM Kaneko、SM Noro、ゲストのJohnさん、SM Yamazakiの6名の参加でした。 ConductorはSM Noroで、LecturerはSM Yo....

10月月26日(土)のSMCを報告します。 SM K Narisawa、SM Yo. Narisawa、SM Kaneko、SM Noro、SM Yamazakiの5名の参加でした。 ConductorはSM Yo. Narisawaで、LecturerはSM...
9月28日(土)のSMCを報告します。 SM K Narisawa、SM Yo Narisawa、SM Kaneko、SM Noro、SM Yamazakiの5名の参加でした。 ConductorはSM K Narisawaで、LecturerはSM...

9月14日(土)中央公民館でのSMCを報告します。 SM K. Narisawa、SM Yo. Narisawa、SM Kaneno, SM Koizumi, SM Yamazakiの5名の参加でした。 CoordinatorはSM Kaneko、LecturerはSM...