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Hi everyone !

Here is meeting minutes.

The Coordinator and Lecturer were served by SM Koizumi and SM Yamazaki respectively.


"Laughing again"(SM Yamazaki)

The lecturer materials were from the May 2002 issue of Business English.

The year 2002 was just one year after 9/11.

. blast: a very enjoyable experience

. a big-belly laugh: a burst of deep hearty laughter . hilarious: extremely funny . take a back seat: to allow somebody else to play a more active and important role in a particular situation . walk on an eggshells: to be overly careful in doing with a person or situation because they get angry or offended very easily

Table topic speech

"Women are much better at handling pain than men. "(Yu. Narisawa)

The speaker said he agreed with the statement, saying that from his experience men are much more cowardly when it comes to getting injections or the like. SM Yo. Narisawa supported his idea, saying that women get stronger with the experience of giving birth. SM Noro added his experience of attending the delivery scene at the birth of his the eldest son with the advice from a nurse.

"People prefer a clear shaven face instead of a beard or mustached face.(SM Noro)

The speaker said that he agreed with the statement, saying that he doesn't want to give negative impressions to people. He believes that the majority of people prefer a clear face. On the other hand, he added that women's preferences for men's looks have been changing. SM Kaneko added his comments that he can easily grow a beard due to the nature of hair.

"Dessert should be served before dinner." (Yo. Narisawa)

The speaker said that she prefers dessert to be served after dinner because she definitely wants to enjoy the main dinner.

"Personal things you should always keep to yourself. " (SM Yamazaki)

The speaker picked up things that he handles nearly every day including paper dictionaries, ballpoint pens, and so on.

"What are you looking forward to?(SM K. Narisawa)

The speaker raised remote work during the period of summer vacation. SM Noro added his personal event of getting together with his elder son's fiance's parents for the first time.

"Women like romance moves, men like action moves." (SM Kaneko)

The speaker said that as a matter of course preferences for the types of movies depend on the person.

Prepared speech

"SDGs"(SM Noro)

The speaker talked about SDGs that stand for Sustainable Development Goals. In his speech, he explained that Hello Kity serves as a promotor of the expansion of the activities.

In connection with the SDGs that are based on numerical targets, SM Yamazaki took up the 4-Stage Index of COVID-19 given by experts giving advice for the government with criticism, saying it doesn't include any numerical targets.

"Transition"(SM Kaneko)

The speaker talked about positive and negative transition. For positive one, he took up seasonal changes. In constrast, he mentioned the pandemic as a negative transition.

"A steep rise in vegetable prices"(Yo. Narisawa)

The speaker took up topics of prices and benefits associated with vegetables. Prices often fluctuate due to the nature of vegetables being likely affected by unusual weather. She added some episodes including vegetables currently grown by herself as well as ones in her hometown.

"Mental abuse"(SM Yu. Narisawa)

The speaker took up various mental abuses that appear in SNS with some cases including self-restraint police.

The attendees criticized anonymous acts as cowardly.

"Comradery"(SM K. Narisawa)

The speaker talked about some episodes associated with English learning in his college days along with ones in his career. He implied the importance of having comradery. The episode he experienced at college included a way to recognize each other among members including new members in ESS.

Next meeting


Oyama Community Center(Small Room)

Coordinator: SM Kaneko

Lecturer: SM K. Narisawa

9/12(2nd Saturday)

Oyama Community Center

(Small Room)

9/26(4th Saturday)

Oyama Community Center

(Small Room)

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