<When did you first realize that life is short?>_SM K. Narisawa <What kind of challenge would you like to try?>_SM Eda <The most...
2021/8/16(月) ZOOM
Table Topics Speeches What did you get for your birthday as a present? What recent news did you get the most interested in? Are there any...
2021/8/14(土) ZOOM
Table Topics Speeches What were you like when you were a kid? Is stealing always wrong? When is it right to steal? When does silence...

Table topics speeches <How many friends do you have in real life that you talk to regularly.>_SM Takahata <What dish or food are you best...

2021/8/2(月) ZOOM
Table Topics Speeches <What do you love most about yourself?>_SM Takatata <Love at first sight really does exist.>_SM Koizumi < What kind...

2021/7/31(土) ZOOM
Table topics Speeches <What's your favorite English proverb?>_SM Yo. Narisawa < Tell us about the most memorable event in your life?>_SM...

Here are the Table Topics Speech Titles. 〈The smartest cartoon character>_SM Eda 〈 What are you looking forward to?>_SM Koizumi 〈If you...

Hi everyone! Here is the summary of the meeting held on July 24 at Oyama Community Center. I basically quoted the English emailed to me...

2021/7/10(土) SMC
Hi everyone! Here is the summary of the meeting held on June 10 at Chuo Community Center. I basically quoted the English emailed to me...