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2021/11/27(土) SMC

SM Yo. Narisawa and SM Yamazaki served as the Coordinator and the Lecturer respectively.

<Word of the Day> SM Noro

The Presenter took up the word of “surge” with the usage of verb and noun forms. Here some typical examples of the usage. For the usage of the noun form, we’ve often heard examples of “the surge of infections” or “ the surge in infection cases”. Regarding the usage of verb form, the word has only intransitive verb usage. It has a rather interesting usage of a sentence example of “She could feel anger surging inside her.” as well as the usage similar to the noun form mentioned above: “Oil prices surged.

<Lecturer> SM Yamazaki

The Lecturer took up the Yomiuri Shimbun’s editorial with the title of “Younger Japanese urged to boldly go where JAXA has never gone before”.

Here are points of the article. The institute has substantially relaxed the eligibility requirements for screening astronauts for the moon landing project. Some of the relaxed requirements include “lowering minimum height of applicants to 149.5 from 158 centimeters” and not asking about “the ability to swim”.

<Table Topic Speeches>

What makes life easier?

What do you imagine yourself doing ten years from now?

What is your favorite time of the year?

How do you spend the majority of your free time?

Why are manners are important?

What is the number one thing you want to accomplish before you die?

What makes a person beautiful?

<Prepared Speeches>

<Sentient Beings> SM Noro

The speaker took up an animal welfare issue that the British government is now working on to revise some relevant laws. The government intends to add octopus, lobsters, crabs and shrimp to the list in a bill that would formally recognize some animals’ capability to experience feelings such as pain.

The original bill considered all animals with backbones as sentient, leaving out other creatures such as lobsters, octopus and crabs.

Researchers of London School of Economics assessed more than 300 studies evaluating neurological or behavioral indicators in these invertebrate species. In the studies they examined issues such as whether animals have pain receptors, whether they demonstrate the ability to learn and how they respond to pain-relieving drugs. Through the studies, they concluded that the animals seemed to be sentient beings.

<Fallen Leaves > SM Kaneko

(Here is the quoted passage of the speech.)

I make it a routine to sweep around my house in the morning, but I didn't on that day because I had little time. (After I returned home, I did.) It takes about 20 to 30 minutes and makes for good exercise. Sometimes I extend the area and do weeding. This time of the year it takes longer than usual because of fallen leaves. Sometimes I find trash or cigarette butts littered on the street. I think they are a real nuisance. However, cleaning in the morning seems to prevent people from littering. Maybe they would hesitate to spoil the street which is clean.

<Nature call >SM Yu. Narisawa

(Here is the quoted passage of the speech.)

In Japan we think that free public restrooms should be available anywhere.

In contrast to the situation in Japan, I’ve found a Russian YouTuber lamenting that they have almost no public restrooms in that country. This episode reminded me that Izaya Bendasan mentioned in his book a half century ago that Japanese people enjoy the benefits of free water and public restrooms.

<The best ways to learn English for me> SM Eda

(Here is the quoted passage of the speech.)

I love listening to good stories via TED on You Tube and sermons in church services. I learn lots of English expressions without trying too hard. I love speaking with people in English. When I speak the language, I feel free. I want more communication in English and I find myself needing to learn it further. I also love reading English newspapers and the bible. I do not want to 'study', so I just enjoy reading them, through which I think I am absorbing some English. I think that enjoying something is the best way to learn it. Because you concentrate on it, you are quick to pick it up. As a result, you will see your English improve.

<Adventure>SM K. Narisawa

He talked about his experience of something that happened one month ago. He got lost in the mountain and had a hard time there. He should have had common sense and returned the way he came but for some reason he couldn’t. This is because he was caught up in the notion he had invested too much time already, and there was no turning back. That's not a good choice. You should sometimes make a courageous decision. But he concluded his speech with the proverb: Nothing ventured, nothing gained. He is the kind of guy who does not reflect upon himself, huh?

Next meeting

Nov. 29 (Mon.) Zoom meeting: 7:30-9:00 PM

Coordinator: SM Takahata

Reported by YAMAZAKI

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