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Word of the Day: SM Takahata



(1) Affect more people/places

If something spreads or is spread, it becomes larger or moves so

that it affects more people or a larger area


-Fire quickly spread through the building.

- The disease rapidly spread amongst the pool.


(2) Information/ideas

[vt] to tell a lot of people about something

-Andy loves spreading rumors about his colleagues.


[vi] to become known about or used by more and more people

- Buddhism spread to China from India.


(3) Open/arrange

[vt] to open something out or arrange a group of things so that they

 cover a flat surface

 -He spread a map out on the desk.


(4) Throughout an area

[vi] to cover or exist across a large area

 - The forest spread over the whole of that region.



(1) Increase

  When something affects or is known about by more people or

involves a larger area

 -an attempt to stop the spread of nuclear weapons


(2) Soft food

 a) a soft substance made from vegetable oil that is used like butter

 - one slice of toast with a low-fat spread

 b) a soft food which you spread on bread

- cheese/chocolate etc spread

(3) Range

   A range of people or things

-We have a good spread of ages in the department.


(4) Money

the difference between the prices at which something is bought and sold, or the interest rates for lending and borrowing money

-the spread between the city banks’ loan rates and deposit rates


(5) Sports (A.E)

the number of points between the scores of two opposing teams

-a four-point spread


[Phrasal verb, idiom]

-spread one’s (wings): to start to have an independent life and experience new things

        -A year spent studying abroad should allow him to spread his (wings).


- spread the (word): to tell people about something

       -The time to start spreading the (word) about this is now.


- spread yourself too (thin): to try to do a lot of different things at the same time, with the result that you

cannot do any of them properly

       -Focus on your local market for now so that you don’t spread yourself too (thin).

Lecture: SM Yoko Narisawa


[ Part 1 ]

 Abbreviation quizes

 GPS = Global Positioning System   MVP = Most Valuable Player

 DIY = Do It Yourself             DOB = Date Of Birth

 UV = Ultra Violet                IMO = In My Opinion

 TIA = Thanks In Advance         AKA = Also Known As

[ Part 2 ]

Please solve the following quizes.

1. What three letters change a girl into a woman?  A. age

2. What word starts with E and ends with E, but only one letter in it?

                                      A. envelope

3. When first I appear I seem mysterious, but when I am explained I am nothing serious.   A. riddle

4. What letter of the alphabet has the most water?  A. c

5. What flowers grow under your nose?      A. tulips

6. What can you catch but not throw?        A. a cold

7. What state is round at both ends, and high in the middle?  A. Ohio

8. Who is closer to you, your mom or dad?    A. mom (mother)

9. What is the center of gravity?            A. v

10. What can you break, even if you never pick it up or touch it? 

                                 A. promise

11 There are four days which start with the letter “ t ”. Two of them are Tuesday and Thursday. What are the rest two?  A. today and tomorrow

12 As I was going to Times Square, I saw a man with four children. Each child had four baskets. Each basket had four cats. Each cat had four kittens. Kittens, cats, baskets, children. How many were going to Times Square?  A. one

13 What can be big, white, dirty and wicked?   A. lie

14 What is the longest word in the dictionary?  A. smiles

15 Pot oooooooo ----- What is it?            A. Potatoes

Table Topic Speech

(1) What are the top three qualities you look for in a friend?

(2) When you meet someone for the very first time what do you want them to think about you?

(3) What's something new you recently learned about yourself?

(4) In one year from today, how do you think your life will be different?

(5) What reent memory makes you smile the most?

(6) What makes you secure?

(7) How many hours of television do you watch in a week?

(8) What experince from this past year do you appreciate the most?

Prepared Speech

(1) My hometown: SM Ishimura

I was born in Aioi City in Hyogo, and our family moved to Shikoku soon after the war when I was 3 years old. I spent my years up to middle school in a village along the Niyodo River, located in the central part of Shikoku. Recently, the Niyodo River has become known as "Niyodo Blue" for its clear, unpolluted, and beautiful waters.

After the war, the village was bustling with both elementary and middle schools. However, due to the lack of job opportunities, all the young people left for the cities. Now, both the elementary and middle schools have been closed, and only a few dozen people live in the village.

Several decades ago, a large dam and a Shikoku Electric Power company hydroelectric plant were built on the Niyodo River in front of the house where I lived. Thanks to this, an excellent community center and a swimming pool were newly constructed with financial support from Kansai Denryoku. However, with a village population consisting mostly of elderly people, the pool has gone unused and unmanaged, left to deteriorate.

In Japan, where the population decreases every year, it's impractical to build facilities and playgrounds as temporary solutions. Both politicians and we ordinary citizens need to seriously consider the future of Japan.

It's really sad to see my hometown, where I grew up, going downhill, but with how things are in Japan now, I guess it can't be helped. My hometown made me who I am today. I want to spend the rest of my life cherishing those good memories. Thank you.

(2) Debilitating Body&Soul: SM Kei Narisawa

The speaker reflects on how aging has made them more emotional and empathetic. They recount watching a TV show about a child with polio, which moved them to tears—a reaction that surprised them given their younger, more self-centered days. They now understand and appreciate the struggles of parents and the hardships faced by others, especially children. The speaker mentions their affection for Ichi manga, which often features poignant stories about struggling families, and describes how these tales deeply affect them. They express a desire to help impoverished children, inspired by the emotional impact of these stories, and suggest that aging brings a heightened sensitivity and a greater capacity for empathy, hoping their peers feel similarly.

(3) A Butterfly: SM Kaneko

This is a story about a butterfly. About twelve years ago, I was living alone in a rural area. One day, while I was taking a walk, I noticed a small butterfly flying around me. I was walking through a field with flowers blooming here and there, so it was not unusual to encounter butterflies. However, what was unusual was that the butterfly followed me for a long distance.

After passing through the field, I walked through a residential area with houses on both sides of the road. When I arrived at my apartment, the butterfly was still with me. In total, it followed me for about 400 meters. In front of the door, I wondered if the indoor environment was suitable for such wildlife as butterflies. So, I entered the house, taking care to ensure that the butterfly did not come in. I felt a little guilty because it seemed like the butterfly wanted to enter.

Thinking that something strange had happened, I turned on the TV. To my surprise, there was a butterfly on the screen. It wasn't an image of an actual butterfly, but a female announcer, NHK's Suzuki Naoko-san, wearing a dress with the same pattern as the butterfly! The image was so striking that it gave me the illusion that the butterfly had somehow entered the house.

That's what happened. So, how should I interpret this event? Two strange things occurred: the following butterfly and the similar dress. The second part might be called synchronicity or a meaningful coincidence. In my understanding, synchronicity is sometimes spiritual. Perhaps some spirit or entity wanted to console me, as I was leading a lonely life. "Consolation" is the word that comes to mind whenever I reflect on this event. Later, I learned that the butterfly was called 'ichi-monji-chou'.

(4) Beatles FES in Shimokitazawa: SM Koizumi

One day, I encountered "The Musical Festival in Shimokitazawa." When I passed the gate of Shimokitazawa, I saw lots of people gathered in the central square, waiting for something. The weather was fine with strong sunshine on Sunday, July 7th.


I checked the website to see what was happening. That day was the last day of the "33rd Shimokitazawa Musical Festival," held from July 4th to 7th. The festival has been running since 1991, aiming to let all generations enjoy music together and feel Shimokitazawa as their hometown. And BeatlesFES was held in the central square of Shimokitazawa. I had the chance to watch three performers in person.


The first was a group having four members: three guitars (lead, rhythm and base) and one drum. The members were older, but their performance was great. Energetic, rhythmic, and lively, they played Beatles songs that made me move my body and sometimes sing along.


The second was a group also having four members: one vocal, one double bass, one keyboard, and a drum. As their name suggests, their music was arranged as jazz, sounding beautifully smooth with a slow tempo. It was perfect for a night with whiskey, but it was amusing and refreshing, even a little bit strange to listen to in the sunny Shimokita Square.


The third was a group consisted of four young university girls, with three guitars and one drum. They looked fresh and youthful, but their music was immature and newly-fledged. Shimokitazawa's culture warmly welcomed them, hoping for their bright future.


Originally, The Beatles consisted of four members: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr, all were from Liverpool, England.  I watched a Beatles tribute show on the Queen Elizabeth last year and enjoyed the Shimokitazawa performance this month. I feel The Beatles are eternal in my mind.

(5) Smile: SM M.G

I believe that humor is really helpful especially in hard time. Humor and smile make us happier.

However, forcing people to smile is another thing. Emotional labor like service industry require smile as job and we sometime receive high quality of hospitality  in Japan.

However, sadly, there is customer harassment. I think that smiling when you feel smile and not smiling when you not is good. Natural is good.

(6) Life-Changing Movie: SM Eda

Meeting Schedule

-In-person: 9:30 AM on Aug. 10 at Oyama Community Center (small conference room)

Coordinator: SM Takahata, Word of the Day: SM Yoko Narisawa, Lecturer: SM Kei Narisawa)

-Zoom: 7:30 PM on Jul. 29 and Aug. 5



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