<President's Remark>: SM Kei Narisawa
He talked about the movie he saw in the movie theater. In the film, he noticed some idioms he recently learned at the zoom meeting, one of which was 'I'm no stranger to ...'. He sucked at the movie but was happy to learn the importance of idioms.
Word of the Day: SM Kei Narisawa
UK /ˈɑː.bɪ.trər.i/ US /ˈɑːr.bə.trer.i/
based on chance rather than being planned or based on reason:
Why did they cut your job and not mine? It seems to have been purely arbitrary.
I thought it was just an arbitrary arrangement of chairs - I didn't realize it was an art exhibit!
The garden isn't planned at all - we tend to just plant things in an arbitrary way.
UK /ˌɑː.bɪˈtreə.rəl.i/ US /ˌɑːr.bəˈtrer.əl.i/
in a way that is based on chance rather than being planned or based on reason:
We made the decision to go to Italy quite arbitrarily.
They just arbitrarily pick a number.
We didn't make these changes arbitrarily, but for a good reason.
*Pay attention to where a stress should be put in the words.
*The real meaning is ‘selfish(ly)’; Do something as you please.
Lecture: SM Eda

Table Topic Speech
(1) If you take a single photograph of your life, what would it look like?
(2) How have you helped someone else recently?
(3) What can money not buy?
(4) Who do you trust and why?
(5) What have you done in the last year that makes you proud?
(6) Who is the strongest person you know?
(7) When does silence convey more meaning than words?
Prepared Speech
(1) Various signboards are ubiquitous: SM Yoko Narisawa
Signboards are all around us and serve as very effective tools for visually explaining things in an easy-to-understand manner. However, I sometimes find it difficult to understand them. Today I’d like to talk about interesting but slightly strange signboards.
The first one is a signboard that says, “ スタディ ドッグ スクール" . Do you know what this means? It could be a school for learning about dog behavior or feelings, or a school for dog training. Obviously, it is meant to indicate a school for dog training. But it’s funny, isn’t it?
The second one is a traffic sign which was written incorrectly. A road marking on a municipal road in Otaru, Hokkaido had been incorrect for about 30 years. It says “ Otaru Poot ” instead of “ Otaru Port ”. Yes, the road leads to Otaru Poot. Please remember the English notation on the signboard is not always correct.
The last one is a very confusing signboard. It reads, “ この先、カーナビの案内にかかわらず左折して下さい。” A car navigation system is a powerful device when driving, especially to unfamiliar places. However, it appears that if you trust your navigation too much, you might end up in some strange places. In Ibigawa Machi, Gifu Prefecture, there is an agricultural experience facility. Many people couldn’t reach the location when they followed their navigation systems. Strange, isn’t it? So facility officials installed a signboard instructing drivers to turn left even if their navigation systems advise turning right. If you follow this road, you can reach the place easily. But, for some reason, the navigation system advises turning right here and crossing a bridge, leading to a fork in the road and then turning right again, ending up in the mountains. But thanks to this signboard, the number of people making mistakes has decreased dramatically. However, it takes courage to go against the car navigation system, doesn’t it?
Signboards are ubiquitous. It may be interesting to find the strange ones.
(2) Learn from a wise samurai: SM Ishimura
One of my friends in Matsuyama of Ehime recently told me that Japanese politicians these days make me want to cover my eyes. I found an interesting articles about it, so I summarized it here.
Akihiko Nakamura ; Writer
The politician I wish we had now is Masayuki Hoshina who was an assistant to the fourth Tokugawa shogun Ietsuna during the Edo period. In the Great Meireki Fire in 1657, The Edo castle tower was destroyed. Executive samurai insisted on the castle’s reconstruction first, but Masayuki said “The castle tower is just for looking into the distance, and now public money should be put into restoring the townhouses for the people”
After researching the Great Fire’s damage, he built a bridge across the Sumida River to make it easier for people to escape from the fire, and ordered the excavation of the Tamagawa Waterworks to reduce the water shortage. He also expanded roads and tried to make Edo “a nonflammable city”. At that time, there were may anti voices in samurai class because these policies would make it easier to be attacked from the enemy, but he carried out his policy resolutely.
He was born as the illegitimate son of a second shogun Hidetada and grew up with another family. He transferred from Shinshu to Yamagata and then Aizu. Each time he investigated the annual tax and ordered the tax rate to be lowered, saying
“We are taking too much tax.”
In Aizu, he has even make a pension system that provides lifelong rice to everyone over 90 years old.
The Aizu Family Precepts he created say,
“Do not bribery and flatter”
“Do not show favoritism”
“Do not hire someone with a distorted mind” and
“Do not go against justice for profit or loss “
If Masayuki were still alive, he would be furious with today’s politicians who don’t realize their faults and refuse to take responsibility, and would order them to commit seppuku or reflect in hiding at their house.
What do you think?
(3) Strange Experiences: SM M.G
Last year, I used to go for a walk and I met some dogs with their owners.
I noticed that some dogs froze in front of me many times.
I thought that was strange.
(4) The Quest for Asari Udon: SM Koizumi
A year ago, our esteemed President Kei ignited my curiosity during an SMC meeting.
He proclaimed, "You simply must try Marugame Asari Udon!" But somehow I couldn’t try it. This year, the call of Asari Udon beckoned once more.
Driven by desire, I simply arbitrarily went to Marugame shop one after another. Machida, Musashikosugi on 13th Apr. Chitosefunabashi, Shibuya on 14th Apr. but unfortunately they didn’t serve Asari Udon there. Alas!
When I almost abandoned my journey to Marugame shop, to my surprise, I could get useful information from Mrs. Takahata, showing which Marugame shop dealing with Asari Udon. Then I could check my next action to my dream.
Finally I reached the Asari Udon at Marugame Nitori-Komae Shop on 15th April 2024 Monday. Yes, I was in line to order Asari Udon, watching how they make Asari Udon and took seat, took a picture of the dish, tasted little by little and ate all of them. As I savored each mouthful, I reflected on the lessons learned from my adventure:
Lesson one: Diversity is the spice of life. During my journey, I had not only Asari Udon but also Carbonara Udon and found other special menu in different shops. How nice!
Lesson two: Knowledge is power. Checking websites for accurate information can save me from disappointment and wasted efforts.
Lesson three: Embrace the journey. Sometimes, the pursuit of one thing leads us to unexpected discoveries and experiences. This journey gave me good experiences a lot.
So, fellow adventurers, whether it's Asari Udon or any other pursuit, remember: the thrill lies not only in the destination but also in the journey itself.
Lastly, thank you for Kei-san, Takahata-san, leading me to the Asari Udon.
(5) Mah-jong boom: SM Takahata
She talked about the mah-jong boom amosg children especially those in elementary school. It is reported that mah-jong is effective in improving chilren's IQ score. Among adults, healthy mah-jong which states "no gambling, no drinking, no smoking" is also bocoming polurar. Mah-jong encourages face-to-face interaction and requires utilizing the brain to its fullest, while memorizing combinations, developing strategies, predicting opponents’ moves or trying to outwit them. The image of mah-jong is getting better. She said its popurality will keep growing.
Meeting Schedule
In-person: 9:30 AM on May 25 at Oyama Community Center (medium conference room)
(Coordinator: SM Takahata, Word of the Day: SM Yoko Narisawa, Lecturer: SM Koizumi)
Zoom: 7:30 PM on May 13 and 20