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Questions on Japanese from missionaries

-Difference between "全部" and "全て"

-Difference between "後(あと)" and "後(のち)"

Useful Idioms: SM Ishimura

-Bite the bullet; To endure a painful or difficult situation.

-Hit the hay ; To go to bed or go to sleep.

-Break the ice ; To initiate conversation or social interaction in a situation where there is tension or awkwardness.

-Piece of cake ; Something that is very easy to do.

-Cost an arm and a leg; Something that is very expensive.

-Spill the beans; To reveal a secret or share confidential information.

-Hit the nail on the head; To describe or identify something accurately.

-Kick the bucket ; pass away or die

-Once in a blue moon ; Something that happens very rarely.

-Under the weather ; To feel sick or unwell.

-Go the extra mile ; To make an extra effort or do more than what is expected.

-Keep your eyes peeled ; To remain alert or watchful for something.

-Cut to the chase : To get to the point without wasting time.

-Beat around the bush; To avoid talking about something directly.

-Give someone the benefit of the doubt. To believe someone’s statement without being suspicious.

-Jump on the bandwagon ; To join or support something that has become popular or successful.

-Barking up the wrong tree : To pursue a mistaken or misguided course of action.

-When pigs fly : something that will never happen or is impossible.

Lecture: SM Takahata

Read the notes * below and fill in the blank.


(1) It’s *1 a pain in the (neck) to read the terms and agreements of credit cards. They are incomprehensible to anyone but a lawyer. I *2 have an (aversion) to legal terms.   

*1: = someone or something that is very annoying

*2:= to have a feeling of strong dislike or of not wishing to do something


(2) A: I’ve told Kenta to be on time until I’m *1 (blue) in the face, but he’s *2 (beyond) saving. 

   B: I guess you’re just *3 wasting your (breath). Time means nothing to him.

 *1: = exhausted and speechless, as from excessive anger, physical strain etc.

  *2: = irredeemable

  *3: = If someone says you’re wasting your (blue), they mean that the person you are talking to will not

take any notice and so there is no point saying anything to them


(3) A: I got a dream job but it’s just part time. If I decline the offer, I’ll have to keep my current lousy

full-time job.

B: Sounds like you’re *1 caught between a (rock) and a hard place. 

 *1: = to be in a very difficult situation and to have to make a hard decision


(4)Hiroshi is always *1 flying off the (handle) about something, and so is his brother. They appear to be *2 two peas in a (pod). They are too much for me to handle.

*1: = to become suddenly extremely angry

*2: = very similar in appearance or character

(5) Our soccer team was easily defeated by our rival in a 5-0*1(blowout) last night. As head coach, I’m going to *2 face the (music) and resign. 

*1: = especially in sport, an overwhelming defeat

*2: = to accept the consequences of one’s actions, however unpleasant


(6) My wife is the *1 (breadwinner) and I’m a househusband, but my life is *2 not a bed of (roses). It’s hard to do household chores and get my daughter to and from the nursery every day.

*1: = the person in a family who earns the money that the family needs for essential things

*2: = it is not as pleasant as it seems, and there are some unpleasant aspects to it

Table Topic Speech

(1) If you had to teach something, what would you teach?

(2) Who or what is the greatest emeny of mankind?

(3) What is your happiest childhood memory? What makes it so special?

(4) What are your top five personal values?

(5) How do you describe 'freedom' in your own words?

(6) What gets you excited about life?

(7) What do you imagine yourself doing ten years from now?

(8) If you had the chance to go back in time and change one thing would you do it?

Prepared Speech

(1) Controversy at the 2024 Oscars: SM Noro

  An incident happened at the 2024 Academy Award.

Mr. Robert Downey Jr. won Best Supporting Actor for his performance in Oppenheimer. When he was told he had won the award, he walked up to the podium and unceremoniously snatched the Oscar statue from the presenter, the previous year's winner, Mr. Quan, a Vietnamese-American, without making eye contact with him.

In general, winners are supposed to exchange words with the presenter and express gratitude for their good fortune. But, Mr. Robert Downey Jr. gave the cold reception to the presenter as if ignoring him.


Some people were shocked by Mr. Robert Downey Jr.'s behavior. 

Asian people thought that he must be a racist who discriminates against Asian people.

Even from the impression I got from watching YouTube, he seemed to be consciously ignoring the presenters. His attitude seemed to be that he did not acknowledge the fact that Mr. Quan won the Best Supporting Actor award and stated that the Academy Awards are for white Americans.


Curiously, the American media did not cover the incident. Only a few media outlets treated it with the argument that Robert Downey, Jr. ignored the presenter without realizing it (microaggression). Microaggression is indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against members of marginalized groups. I believe that Mr. Robert Downey Jr. has been spoiled because of being a celebrity. 

(2) If the wind blows, the backet makers prosper: SM Yoko Narisawa

 A Japanese proverb " 風が吹けば桶屋が儲かる” translates into English " If the wind blows, the bucket makers prosper." This means any event can bring about effects in an unexpected ways.

This proverb reminds me of the start of SMC and its impact on one of the founders. I've come up with a similar hypothesis: If a man breaks his leg, he becomes an English teacher."

One of the SMC founders, previously employed as a translator, slipped and broke his leg on a snowy day, as he was leaving for work. During his medical leave, he decided to attend an English conversation class at

a Mormon church. There he had an unexpected encounter with someone who would later become the president of SMC. The two of them clicked immediately and decided to start their own club, which was the beginning of SMC. Starting with just three members, it's been ten years since their fateful encounter. Now with 13 members, each person brings their unique personality and abilities to the fullest. We acquire not only English skills but also a wealth of knowledge from each other. I'm firmly convinced SMC is a place we can enjoy lifelong learning. One of the founders has become an English teacher, working for a cram school. To reiterate my hypothesis: If a man breaks his leg, he becomes an English teacher. He broke his leg and as the result, he became an English teacher. This proves one event can indeed bring about an effect in an unexpected way.

(3) The value of things: SM Kei Narisawa

The essence of appreciating the value of what we have often becomes clear only in its absence. This truth is universally acknowledged but frequently overlooked, especially in the mundane rhythm of our daily lives. My experiences, though varied, all circle back to this profound realization.

Take, for example, Koume, my daughter's pet dog, who stays with us periodically. Her presence, albeit occasionally inconvenient, filled our home with a unique warmth. It was only upon her return to Tokyo that the silence of our house underscored her absence, transforming our annoyance into a palpable sense of loss. This seemingly trivial experience served as a prelude to a more striking revelation about the things we take for granted.

Consider the internet, an integral part of our lives. When my connection abruptly failed, the frustration of losing access to emails, Zoom meetings, and leisure videos made me confront my dependence on this digital lifeline. The ordeal of restoring connectivity underscored a broader lesson about the fragility of our conveniences and the depth of our reliance on them.

Similarly, leaving a teaching position did not initially strike me as significant, given the lack of immediate financial implications. Yet, the ensuing isolation brought a stark realization. The daily interactions with students, once a routine aspect of my job, emerged as a cherished aspect of my life in their absence. This loss illuminated the importance of my role, not just as a teacher, but as a participant in a vibrant community of learning and growth.

These reflections bring me to the core message I wish to impart: the importance of valuing what we have, be it a pet, a job, or a community like SMC. Our collective contribution and participation breathe life into this organization, making it a pillar of support and learning for many. Just as my home felt emptier without Koume, and my life less fulfilled without teaching, SMC relies on each of us to thrive. Let's not wait for absence to teach us the value of what we contribute to and benefit from within this community. Cherish it, nurture it, and recognize its value in your life.

(4) Generative AI and Education: SM M.G

When I turned on the TV,  they were having a discussion.

One guy said that an elementary school teacher used generative AI to teach his students that AI doesn't have a personality and that AI makes mistakes.

I sometimes felt that AI had a personality especially thinking about Chatbot Roni and Siri, however, it doesn't have emotions actually.

Speaking of AI's mistakes, I sometimes experience them while using ChatGPT, and quite recently, google Gemini generated an illustration of Black, Asian and Hispanic soldiers as Nazis.

In Belgium, AI incited a man to commit suicide.

I guess maybe the teacher wanted to say, "don't take the harsh words of AI seriously in the future. It is not a person, and is sometimes wrong.”

Not only machines but also in the SNS community, and real life, words hurts you sometimes. I think we maybe need resilience and ignoring toxic words.

Meeting Schedule

In-person: 9:30 AM on Apr. 13 at Oyama Community Center (small conference room)

(Coordinator: SM Yoko Narisawa, Word of the Day: SM Noro, Lecgturer: SM Kei Narisawa)

Zoom: 7:30 PM on Mar. 25, Apr. 1 and 8



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