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President's remark: SM Kei Narisawa

The president talked about the 10th anniversary party for SMC. Along a long history of SMC, we saw some members leave and join us. He fervently hopes the future of SMC is bright and rosy.

Word of the day: SM Takahata



(1) one of the two parts of the body at each side of the neck where the arm is connected

-Put a shawl around your shoulders in case you get cold.

(2) the part of a piece of clothing that covers your shoulders

-a jacket with padded shoulders

(3) an area of ground beside a road where drivers can stop their cars

if they are having trouble

(4) a rounded part of a mountain just below the top


(1) to accept a difficult or unpleasant responsibility, duty etc.

- The residents are being asked to shoulder the cost of the repairs.

(2) to lift something onto your shoulders to carry it

- They shouldered the boat and took it down to the river.

(3) to move through a large crowd of people by pushing with your


-She shouldered her way through onlookers.

Fill in the blank

(1) Ben is always there when I need a shoulder to (cry)on.

= someone who gives you sympathy

(2) We worked shoulder to (shoulder) for five years.

= working together to achieve the same thing

(3) The two candidates stood (head) and shoulders above the rest.

= are a lot better than

(4) He’s had a (chip) on his shoulder about not having been university.

= to seem angry all the time because he thinks he has been treated unfairly or feels he is not as good as other people

(5) His wife was angry and gave him the (cold) shoulder.

= to show an unfriendly attitude to someone, especially by intentionally ignoring or showing no interest in them

Lecture: SM Yoko Narisawa

‘ What am I ? ’ questions

1. I have no trunk, fruit, or leaves, but I have branches. What am I ?

2. I am a seed with a three-lettered name. If you take away two, my sound remains the same. What am I ?

3. Despite having two hands, I am unable to scratch myself. What am I ?

4. My life can be measured in hours, I serve by being devoured. Wind is my foe. What am I ?

5. I help you from top to bottom. The more you make me work, the smaller I grow. What am I ?

6. I don’t have wings, but I can fly. I have no eyes, yet I can cry. Darkness follows me everywhere I go. What am I ?

7. 2 in a corner, 1 in a room, 0 in a house, but 1 in a shelter. What am I ?

8. Though I wave my hands at you, I don’t say goodbye. You are always cool when with me. What am I ?

9. You can’t touch me or catch me even though I constantly follow you and copy your every move. What am I ?

10. If you drop me, I’m sure to crack, but give me a smile and I’ll always smile back. What am I ?

11. I have a bed but I never sleep. I have a mouth but I never speak. What am I ?

12. I sound like one letter but I’m written with three. I show you things when you look through me. What am I ?

13. I am always hungry and will die if not fed, but whatever I touch will soon turn red. What am I ?

14. People buy me to eat, but never eat me. What am I ?

15. People make me, save me, change me, raise me. What am I ?

16. I have 13 hearts, but no other organs. What am I ?

17. I’m where yesterday follows today and tomorrow is in the middle. What am I ?

18. My head and tail will never meet. It’s always fun to have too much of me. What am I ?

19. I dig out tiny caves, and store gold and silver in them. I also build bridges of silver and make crowns of gold. Sooner or later everybody needs my help, yet many people are afraid to let me help them. Who am I ?

20. My neighbor makes mistakes. I get rid of them. What am I ?

< Answer >

1. A bank 2. A pea 3. A clock 4. A candle 5. A bar of soap

6. Clouds 7. The letter ‘ r ’ 8. An electric fan 9. Your shadow

10 A mirror 11 River 12 Eye 13 Fire 14 Plates and cutlery

15 Money 16 A deck of cards 17 A dictionary 18 A coin

19 I’m a dentist. 20 An eraser

Table Topic Speech

1) What do you like best about yourself?

2) Where would you most like to go and why?

3) Have you ever regretted somthing you did not say or do?

4) What can you do today that you were not capable of a year ago?

5) What small act of kindness were you once whon that you will never forget?

6) What do you want most?

7) What is youir most beloved childhood memory?

8) Do you think crying is a sign of weakness or sgtrength?

Prepared Speech

1) Sarai Saraba: SM Koizumi

It was a somber moment when I received the news of Shinji Tanimura's passing. While the exact cause of his death remains undisclosed, it is known that he underwent surgery for enteritis in March and had been battling this ailment for some time.

Tanimura's death at the age of 74 left a profound void in the hearts of his music fans and the broader Japanese music industry. I first fell in love with his songs during my early twenties. Tanimura was a prominent figure in the world of music, particularly as the leader of the folk group Alice, which was formed in 1971. The band delivered several chart-toppers, including "今はもうだれも" in 1975, "冬の稲妻" in 1977, and "Champion" in 1978. Among these, I cherished "冬の稲妻" and the lines, "あなたは稲妻のように わたしの心を引き裂いた."

Beyond Alice, his magnum opus was "昴" released in 1980. He unveiled this masterpiece for the first time at the Kouhaku Utagassenn in 1987 and later performed "Subaru" five times at the same event, enthralling the audience with the heartfelt lyrics, "目を閉じて何も見えず 哀しくって目を開ければ."

Tanimura's contribution extended beyond his solo career. He composed both the music and lyrics for

"いい日旅立ち," a song offered to Yamaguchi Momoe, which included the evocative words,

"雪解け間近の北の空に向かい 過ぎ去りし日々の夢を叫ぶとき."

One of the most touching duets was "忘れていいの~愛の幕切れ" in 1984, sung by Ogawa Tomoko and Tanimura Shinji. Equally popular was "Sarai" in 1992, a duet between Kayama Yuzou and Tanimura Shinji. His versatility as a musician is truly remarkable, and his songs are timeless masterpieces.

I am profoundly grateful to him for enriching our lives with his splendid songs. To honor his memory and show my deepest appreciation, I have decided to translate "Sarai" into English and I wrote and added new words.

熱い想い唄に込めて 叫んでたあの頃 新鮮な旋律が 心に響いた

大学を卒業して 新しい社会 歩むぼくの心にも 熱く届いた

   それからもどこか 気になる音楽 気が付けばあなたの唄 唄が聞こえた

   冬の稲妻 胸に走る 昴の空 世界に届く みんなの心に

   今こそ分かる あなたこそふるさと サライの空 夢と共に さらばありがとう

  サクラ吹雪の サライの空へ いつか帰る いつか帰る さらばありがとう

2) Why do you study English?: SM Kei Narisawa

He studied English when he was a teacher and he is still studying it. But how I study English underwent a great change. When I was a teacher, I wanted to be perfect. So I studied the details of English grammar and spent plenty of time deciphering English texts.

Now I'm retired, no need to worry about such miniscule mistakes in grammar or wording. I can enjoy reading books in the true sense of the word.

3) I'm confused: SM Eda

Meeting Schedule

In-person: 9:30 AM on Nov. 11 at the Sagamihara Charch of LDS (Mormon)

(Coordinator: SM Kei Narisawa, Word of the Day: SM Eda, Lectuerer: SM Noro)

Zoom: 7:30 PM on Oct. 30 and Nov. 6

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