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President's Greeting:

We have had on-again, off-again rainy days. There is supposed to be a festival in my neighbor, but it may be cancelled due to the rain. I don't know if it's about cherry blossoms, but there will be fireworks, stalls, music and discounted sale of local produce. It's a pity that the rain my dampen our spirits.

Word of the Day: SM Noro


1. Word Origin: late Middle English: via Old French from Latin “discernere”, from dis- ‘apart’ + cernereto separate’.

2. Verb – Definition and Examplese

A) [transitive form] To know, recognize or understand something, especially something that is not obvious. = detect

Ø It is possible to discern a number of different techniques in her work.

Ø I can't discern the difference between good and fine wine.

Ø I quickly discerned that something was wrong.

Ø The telescope can discern objects incredibly distant in space.

Ø He discerned a certain coldness in their welcome.

Ø The exhibit is arranged in no important order that the viewer can discern.

Ø The water is so transparent that the bottom can easily be discerned at the depth of twenty-five feet.

B) [transitive form] To recognize small details, accurately tell the difference between similar things, and make intelligent judgements by using such observations. = make sb/st out, perceive

Ø We could just discern the house in the distance.

Ø Below the bridge we could just discern a narrow, weedy ditch.

Ø He could discern the note of urgency in their voices.

Ø I could just discern a figure in the darkness.

C) [intransitive] To recognize and identify differences often used with “between” = discriminate or distinguish

Ø He is unable to discern between what is real and what is not real because of illness.

Ø You have to discern between friend and foe.

Ø I have a hard time discerning between Jim and Greg, but they are identical twins after all.

3. Adjective form – discernible

Ø There is often no discernible difference between rival brands.

Ø His face was barely discernible in the gloom.

4. Noun Form – discernment

Ø He is a man of discernment.

Ø Only through careful discernment can you tell a genuine artifact from the works.

5. Questions about “discern”

A) What does discern mean in vocabulary?

Ø If you can make out, pick out, or distinguish something, you can discern it. This is a word for recognizing and perceiving things. Discerning has to do with being able to see or hear something. In a loud room, it can be hard to discern one person's voice.

B) What's the best synonym for discern?

Ø Anticipate, ascertain, detect, determine, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, divine, figure out, find out, foresee, perceive, apprehend, behold, descry, discover, espy, extricate, focus, and judge.

C) Can we say, as far as we are discerned?

Ø No, the sentence “as far as I am discerned” is not grammatically correct construction in English. Instead, you could use one of the following phrases to convey a similar meaning:

As far as I can tell, As far as I know, To the best of my knowledge…

Lecture: SM Eda


1. makeはSの影響が強い

A) Beth made Jess swim in the pond. ベスの影響大で強制的にジェスを泳がせた

S 使役V O C (V 原形)

B) The movie made me cry. 映画の影響で私は涙が出た

S 使V O C(V原)

C) You make me happy. 君の影響大で私は幸せな気分にされてしまう

  S 使V O C(形容詞)

2. letはOの影響が強い(OはCしたがる、Cする性質がある)

A) John let Ann sing in class. ジョンの影響大でアンが授業で歌うのを許した

  S 使V O C(V原)

B) Emi let the rock go. 石に働く引力の影響でエミは落下を許した

S  使V O C(V原)

C) Let him in. 彼が部屋に入る状態を許すように命令している

使V O C(副詞)

3. haveは客観的、自然な流れだがSが少し影響強い(Sに多少の責任がある)

A) My teacher had me run. 自然な流れ、教員の立場を使い私を走らせた

S 使V O C(V原)

B) Lucy had her bag stolen. 客観的に、ルーシーはバッグが盗まれる体験を持った

S 使V O C(V過去分詞)

C) I worked too hard and that headach. I had it coming to me. 自分の頭痛に責任あり

                  S 使V O C(現在分詞)

4. getは客観的、少しSの努力あり。haveと近い。Cが不定詞なので使役動詞でないという人も。

A) Ann got him to dance. アンは彼がダンスするように(お願いする等)少し努力した

S 使V O C(不定詞)

B) Terry got the door to shut. テリーは戸を少し努力して閉まるようにした

S 使V O C(不定詞)

C) I got my hair cut. (お金を払う等)少し努力して散髪してもらった。これでgotをhadに変換可能

S 使V O C(V過去分詞)

(The rest is omitted.)

Table Topic Speech

1) What are you most excited about in your life right now - today?

2) What are 3 things you look for in a tood friend?

3) How wouldan extra $1000 a month change your life?

4) What do you want more of in your life?

5) Do you ask enough question or do you settle to what you know?

6) What is your biggest pet peeve?

7) What is your favorite smell?

Prepared Speech

1) The low birth rate in Japan: SM Kei Narisawa

Is it really a problem? To begin with, we've got to question whether Japan is a small country with a large population, or a large country with a small population. What is an optimal population for Japan? He thinks we would be better off with fewer population. After all, it's not the government but us to make a decision to have kids. I hope the Japanese government will not try to control its population like the Chinese government with 'one-child policy'.

2) What I learned from my friends recently: SM Yoko Narisawa

I’d like to talk about two things I learned from my friends recently.

The first one is that the other day, I went to my friend’ place with a return gift of Valentine’s Day with another friend. The three of us have given some chocolate or something like that to each other on both Valentine’s Day and White Day for a long time. This time we visited one of us. She has been working as a home-visiting nurse for many years. On that day, she was supposed to work in the afternoon. So we visited her in the morning. In spite of being very busy, she warmly welcomed us. She got up early in the morning and cooked various kinds of dishes for us. All of the food was beautifully dished up. I learned both how to welcome guests and how to serve food from her.

The second one is a story about another friend. She is kind enough to do anything for people who ask for help. Last month, one Sunday night, she received a phone call from her neighbor. It seemed that the neighbor’s husband was having difficulty in breathing. His wife didn’t know how to cope with that. So she asked for my friend’s help. My friend is neither a doctor nor a nurse, so she didn’t know how to manage this emergency. But soon my friend called her acquaintance who was a nurse. As soon as the nurse got a phone call, she rushed to the patient’s place with my friend and gave first-aid treatment to the person. On the next day, my friend took him to the hospital and he was able to be hospitalized. I was much moved to hear the story. I’ like to be a person who is willing to do anything when someone asks for help.

I realized all over again I was learning valuable things from my friends.

3) International Cultural Exchange: SM Yu. Narisawa

International cultural exchange takes place any time. You might have had a chance to see exactly some cases of it.

Nootbaar brought pepper-mill performance, Ohtani hug, or the Japanese baseball players showed their clean dugout, polite bow or victory toss.

As for “pepper-mill performance” it’s in danger. The Japanese baseball players completely forgot about the performance in the semifinal and final under strong pressure though they recalled the performance in the commemorative photograph with Prime Minister Kishida in his office. On the other hand, hugs were seen here and there. All through the event hugs seemed to have been deeply rooted.

What surprised American live broadcasters was the Japanese players’ clean dugout. Just after the game the Japanese players bowed in line together in a polite way. Especially surprising for live casters was the baseball players tossed their manager, Ohtani, and Nootbar. The live coverage caster was surprised shouting “What is that? What’s going on?”

Their new behaviors will have a good influence on each other and those good behaviors will continue to stay in their cultures.

4) LADY OR TIGER: SM Yoshikawa

Once upon a time, there was a powerful king. He was clever and insightful, but he was also selfish, vulgar, and capricious. He ruled his kingdom, and he was a dictator.

He had a daughter, a princess. She was stunningly beautiful, passionate, and arrogant. Like in many other bedtime stories, she was the apple of the king’s eye. He loved her more than anybody.

The princess had a secret lover. He was a brave soldier, young and handsome, but he was from a lower class. The princess was deeply in love with him. He was an ideal lover, and she desperately longed for his love. This love affair went on happily for a while, but one day the king heard a rumor about their relationship and became furious.

The king, by the way, had a unique way of punishing criminals. Usually, the trial took place in a large stadium filled with spectators. Two similar rooms with two similar doors were set up in the center of the stadium. They were exactly the same. The accused was taken to in front of the doors and had to choose one and open it. Behind one door was a wild, hungry tiger. Behind the other was a beautiful lady. If the accused chose and opened the door with the tiger, he would be instantly torn to pieces. If there was a lady behind the door, he would get the lady and the wedding ceremony took place on the spot. It did not matter whether he was married or not.

Although it was obvious that the young soldier was guilty, he was not executed, but was ordered to go through the trial like others. The king stood by his justice and treated him equally.

Meanwhile, the princess made every effort to find out which door he should choose. At the same time, she found the lucky girl who could marry him, the prettiest maid in the court, whom the princess had seen lovingly looking at her lover, frequently talking to him with a smile. The girl admired him shamelessly.

The princess hated the girl. Traits inherited from her father fueled her anger against the girl. She could not accept that the girl would have a happy family with him. But at the same time, the mere thought of him opening the door to death made her shudder.

The trial was started. In front of the doors, he glanced at the princess, and she recognized it. She stealthily pointed to the right door. Her movement was so quick and subtle that nobody except him noticed it.

Without hesitation, the soldier walked toward the right door.

This is the end of the story. What do you think he would find behind the right door?

5) "Ran-katsu": SM Takahata

The speaker introduced the word, "Ran-katsu" which means the activities by parents sometimes including grandparents to select and purchase randoseru for their kid who would be a first grader. In addition to the history of randoseru in Japan, she introduced its trend, like "gender-less." She said that it may be a chance for our generation to change the fixed idea of gender, like "black is for boys" or "pink is for girls." Now we live in the world where everybody can choose favorite clothes or colors regardless of gender.

Meeting Schedule

In-person: 9:30 AM on Apr. 8 at Oyama Community Center

(Coordinator: SM Eda, Word of the Day: SM Kakisu, Lecturer: SM Yoko Narisawa)

Zoom: 7:30 PM on Mar. 27 and Apr. 3

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