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President’s remark:

Hello, fellow speechmasters. And thank you, missionaries, for gracing us with your presence. A couple of weeks ago, when I attended Eikaiwa held at the church, the missionaries told me that they were willing to help us with our English. At first, I thought that was a diplomatic remark, but later I found out it was out of pure kindness. Now, I am wondering how we can reciprocate their kindness. Here, I’d like to propose to you all that in the Table Topics portion, when they make a two-minute speech, they deliver it in Japanese instead of English. I think it can be a good language exchange. We have nothing to lose but only four minutes to sacrifice. What do you think?

Word of the Day: SM Takahata



(1) one of two equal parts of something, 1/2:

-Jenny lived in Beijing for a year and a half.

(2) half past: thirty minutes after the hour mentioned

- I’ll meet you at half past nine.

(3) either of the two periods of time into which the game is divided.

- We played much better in the second half.


- That was a film and a half.

-She never does anything by halves.

- He increased his salary by half.

- He is too clever by half.


(1) being half of an amount, time, distance, number etc.:

- Only half the guests had arrived by seven o’clock.

(2) If something is half one thing and half something else, it is a

combination of those two things:

- The monster is half man, half bull.


- I have half a mind to tell him what an idiot he is.

- Before you go off at half-cock, try listening to the explanation.


(1) in an equal part or degree, not completely:

- She was standing there half-dressed, putting on her makeup

in front of the mirror.

(2) by any means:

- Her singing isn’t half bad.

Lecture: SM Yu. Narisawa

Rhyme Phrases

= A friend who helps you when you are badly off is your true friend.

2. My boss said to me, “it’s my way or the ( highway ).

= If you don’t follow me, you leave.

3. ( Teamwork ) makes the dream work. = Cooperative work makes the dream happen.

4. You’ve gotta be in it to ( win ) it. = Anyway you begin to do it in order to succeed in it.

5. Use it or ( lose ) it. = Continue doing it, or you will not function normally.

6. What a ( life ) without a wife! = You definitely need a wife.

7. Let’s turn that frown upside ( down ). = Let’s turn that frown into a smile.

8. She’s got the skills to pay the ( bills ). = She is competent enough to make a living.

9. His wishy-( washy ) answers left us unsure of his intentions.

=He gave a vague answers, so we didn’t know his intentions.

10. Daily exercise may be tough, but no pain no ( gain ).

=You need to suffer if you want to achieve something.

11. "Good night, sleep ( tight )," he said, tucking his daughter into bed.

= “Get a restful and sound sleep,” he said, putting his daughter in bed.

12. The itsy ( bitsy ) spider climbed up the water spout.

= The tiny spider climbed up the water spout.

13. Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% ( perspiration ).

= Genius is mainly the product of hard work, not of natural gifts.

Table Topic Speech

1) Why redading is better than watching movies

2) Do violent video games contribute to youth violence?

3) People can live without eating meat

4) What are you an expert at?

5) If you were an animal, which one would you be?

6) Pets are for people who don't have children

7) Junk food's popurality relies on marketing

8) What is a good school lunch?

Prepared Speech

1) Tenth aniversay is coming: SM Koizumi

Do you know or remember the start of SMC, Speech Master Club? I made a song of "Rooter's Song of SMC" a long time ago as follows.

(Eng) Here comes a time of English with great members

We smile and enjoy " So many men, so many tastes"

Here comes a time of sharing great experiences

We shake hands, we go together brightly

SMC started on October 2013 after small encounter of K and Y

We're members of Speech Master Club

Any English lover is welcome here

Let's have a time of Speech Master Club

Let's have the special miracle course

SMC is here, SMC is on your side, the zone of relaxing

SMC is now, SMC is on your side, the zone of relaxing

(Jap) 素敵なメンバーがやってくる  愉快に笑おう10人10色

色んな話を打ち明ける     明るく一緒に進むのさ

KeiとYの出会いがきっかけで 2013.10月に始まった

我らスピーチマスタークラブ  英語好きなら歓迎さ

スピーチマスタークラブ夢の時間 素晴らしい皆んなとミラクルコース

ココがSMC ココロ寄り添う さあ始めよう What's up, today?

イマがSMC ココロ寄り添う さあ始めよう What's up, today?

But I'd been worring about the quality of the words of this song. Lately, thanks to Keisan's talk, I recognize the chatGPT. And I used it to find its greatness in its ability of checking a English composition.

And I asked chatGPT if my words in the song are correct or nice, or not good.

The chatGPT replied:

Your composition has a positive and welcoming tone, and it seems to be about an English-speaking club called "Speech Master Club" (SMC). It encourages English lovers to join and emphasizes the club's friendly and relaxing atmosphere. Overall, it's well-written and conveys a sense of enthusiasm. I felt great to hear it. What a relief! After these, it continued, “However, here are a few suggestions to enhance the clarity and flow of your composition”, showing a revised version of the song as follows

"Welcome to the world of English with great members!

At Speech Master Club (SMC), we believe that variety is the spice of life –

'So many men, so many tastes,' and here, we smile and enjoy that diversity together.

Our journey began in October 2013 when K and Y had a serendipitous encounter, and from that small moment, SMC was born. We take pride in being members of this vibrant club, where sharing great experiences is a way of life. Hand in hand, we embark on a journey filled with brightness and camaraderie.

If you're an English lover, this is the perfect place for you. SMC opens its arms to everyone who wishes to join our special miracle course of mastering the language. Here, we create an atmosphere of relaxation, where you can feel at ease as you grow and learn.

Today is the day to be part of Speech Master Club – a place that not only exists for you but is also on your side. Join us now and experience the joy of becoming a confident English speaker in the zone of relaxation that is SMC."

Thank you chatGPT. It became sophisticated sentences in the meaning, not for singing to the melody, though. Yes, our SMC started in October 2013. It means that this coming October will be the time of SMC's 10 years birthday. Time flies like an arrow, doesn't it? Then, I want to propose one thing, today. Why don't we have some party to celebrate the 10th anniversary of SMC this coming October?

2) Bucket list: SM Noro

A bucket list is a list of things someone wants to do before they die. The name comes from an old saying for dying, “kick the bucket.” When a person commits suicide by hanging himself, he rides on top of a bucket and kicks the bucket to kill himself. In contrary to the dark image of suicide, the bucket list can include many good things, for example, someone might want to visit special places, learn new things, do exciting activities or reach important goals.

Moreover, I want to emphasize here that a bucket list helps people remember what they want to do in life. It can also push them to try new experiences and live fully, and it’s a way to make sure they do all the things they dream about. If you are interested in making your bucket list, please think about a lot of good or wonderful things.

3) Seeing someone in person and seeing something at first hand: SM Yoko Narisawa

The other day, a fireworks display was held in my neighborhood. They set off fireworks at the playground of the elementary school near my house. I watched it from the window of the second floor of my house. Fireworks soared into the night sky. I felt as if I had them all to myself. Although it wasn’t a large scale fireworks display, I found myself crying out excitedly. Sometimes I watch fireworks on TV which may be on a large scale, but it can’t compare to the experience of watching up close. I was truly excited.

Speaking of exciting experiences, I can never forget the day I met Ishihara Yujiro in person in Mito, Ibaraki Pref. When I was a high school student, he came to Mito in order to shoot a film. He stayed at a hotel near my high school. As soon as I received information about his presence from a teacher, I rushed to the hotel with my classmate. Just as we arrived in front of the entrance of the hotel, he and a staff member walked out. There was nobody else around except for us. I couldn’t believe I was meeting my favorite actor in person. I felt as if I were dreaming. At first, I didn’t know what to say to him. The first thing that came out of my mouth was “ May I have your autograph?” Unfortunately, he declined my request because he was very busy. However, I’m proud that I had the opportunity to talk with him. After his passing, his wife appeared on the radio as a guest. This program offered her book about Ishihara Yujiro as a present to listeners. I applyed for it and luckily I received the book with her autograph. I have cherished this book.

Lastly, regarding SMC, we hold both face-to-face and zoom meetings. I always find it much easier to express my opinions in face-to-face meetings. When I see you in person, I can understand much better what you want to say. Seeing someone in person and seeing something at first hand are much more exciting than observing through a screen.

4) What do great English classes look like?: SM Eda

I let students speak English about things, and I don't correct them.

Reason 1 I don't want intemidate them.

Reason 2 I cannot correct 40 students.

Now teachers are encouraged to use gadgets, which I am not good with. But my concern is that they are not told to study what they are teaching and experience the background culture. We need both modern technology and deep knowledge on the language.

Meeting Schedule

In-person: 9:30 AM on Aug. 12 at Oyama Community Center

(Coordinator: SM Noro, Word of the Day: SM Yu. Narisawa, Lecturer: SM Eda)

Zoom: 7:30 PM on Jul. 24, 31, and Aug. 7



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