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Hello everyone! The president extended thanks to everyone present for braving the rain and came all the way to Oyama Community Center. In passing, he introduced an idiom, 'To each his own.' It is part of our endeavor to make SMC meetings educational.

Word of the day: SM Noro

"Chemistry": Noun (Uncountable)

1. The science that is concerned with studying the structure of substances and the way that they change or combine with each other = 化学

l Edison was his hero; chemistry and electricity were his passions.

2. If there is chemistry between two people, they like each other and find each other attractive = 良い相性 (between)

l Teams with good chemistry win.

l Chuck is a nice guy, but the chemistry isn't right.

l As soon as we met I could feel the chemistry between us.

l The chemistry between Hepburn and Tracy is obvious.

l The chemistry between the two stars makes the movie a pleasure to watch.

l What happened to the chemistry.

3. The way substances combine in a particular process, thing, person = 組成

l The drug may cause changes in a person's body chemistry.

è Word root:

Alchemist(錬金術師)→ Chemist(薬剤師、化学者)→ Chemistry


1) Affinity

- A close relationship between two things because of qualities or features that they share(相思相愛、親近感)

I felt an affinity with him.

- A strong feeling that you like and understand someone or something(親和性)(with/ for/ between)

Samples are stained with a dye that has an affinity for the proteins.

Phrases on Chemistry

*The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. - CG Jung

*Chemistry begins in the stars. The stars are the source of the chemical elements, which are the basic components of matter. - Peter Atkins

* In any team sport, the best teams have consistency and chemistry. - Roger Staubach

Lecture: SM Yoko Narisawa

Brain Training Quizes

Let’s try to answer these quizes.

1. Fill in the blanks, one letter per blank, to create two words that are synonyms of the given word.


○○A○○○○G / ○○○GA○○

2. What word would you use to describe a man who doesn’t have all his fingers on one hand?

3. What is it that if you have, you want to share me, and if you share, you don’t have?

4. What breaks and never falls, and what falls and never breaks?

5. What goes up and down, but always remains in the same place?

6. What has a head, a tail, but doesn’t have a body?

7. Who is bigger, Mr. Bigger, Mrs. Bigger or their baby?

8. Complete this series of numbers.

9=4, 21=9, 22=9, 24=10, 8=5, 7=5, 99=10, 100=7, 16=?, 17=?

9. There are three important rooms in a house. The first one is filled with money. The second one is filled with important papers. The third one is filled with jewelry. One day all of these rooms burst into fire.

Which room did the policemen put out the fire in first?

10. Where is an ocean with no water?

(The rest is omitted.)


1. charming / elegant

2. normal because people usually have half their fingers on one hand

3. a secret

4. day breaks and night falls

5. stairs

6. a coin

7. the boy because he is a little Bigger

8. 16=7, 17=9

9. none of them because policemen don’t put out fires, firefighters do

10. on a map

Table Topic Speech

(1) If you could relive yesterday, what would you do differently?

(2) Why rose is the best flowers' fregrane many women like?

(3) A day in my life I'll never forget

(4) What made you smile this week

(5) Your favorite sports and why

Prepared Speech

(1) Imaginary 10-day trip to the Philippines: SM Kei Narisawa

The speaker talked about 10-day study abroad in the Philippines. There are two drawbacks to it, according to him. No.1 there would be a greater risk of contracting Covid 19 with you mingling among people. No.2 you've got to shell out a lot of money. He wonders if it is worth it?

So, he decided to spend 10 days studying all by himself here in Japan. Unlike any other days he had had, during that 10 days, he was determined to concentrate his effort and time on studying English. Today is the last day of the 10 days. The result was not unlike the one people may get from 10-day study abroad in the Philippines. You should settle for what you get from only 10 days in Japan.

(2) Happy retirement life: SM Takahata

The speaker introduced "Kyou Iku, Kyou You", which is commonly said as a tip for our happy retiremnet life. She also showed some other tips provided on internet, such as to save money, stay healthy, create a new identity etc.. Then, she talked about a play, "Mahoutsukai no iru machi", in which SM Koizumi took a role of "inuojisan." The play was a kind of musical which depicted friendship among people, cats and dogs. She was moved by the performance by the amatur casts including SM Koizumi whose average age was over 70. Especially, SM Koizumi delivered a lot of lines in a clear and penetrating voice and gave fantastic dance performance with an elegant posture. He looked much younger than he was. She started to think that the way to happy retirement life may be actually quite simple. She said, "instead of "Kyou Iku, Kyou You", I'd like to suggest one tip for our happy retirement life, "Do what you truly love."

(3) The first Persian word I learned was "PEE": SM Kakisu

When oil imports were cut off on the 1973 oil crisis, Japanese government sent several ministers to oil-producing countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, Nigeria, and so on to plead with them to export crude oil to Japan. In return, Japanese government promised technical cooperation in the field of Human Resources Development(HRD) especially Technical Education and Vocational Training(TVET).

The speaker said that as his English ability was so poor, he had no intention of working abroad.

The Iranian language is Farsi, few people speak English and no Japanese can speak Farsi, So he had no reason to refuse the dispatch to Iran.

He decided to bring my wife and one-year-old son along, as it is a general rule to bring family along.

One day, while he was moving by car with his family, his son suddenly said, "Pee!" he wanted driver to stop the car immediately, but the driver only understood Farsi, so he made a gesture “pee”to him.

The driver immediately understood and said, "Shashi?" and pulled over. Then he could learn that "PEE" in English is "Shashi" in Farsi.

In this way, he was able to learn Falsi one by one. What he realized in Iran is that "the best way to learn a new language is to learn it in its native country.

Meeting Schedule

In-person: 9:30 AM on Oct. 8 and 22 at Oyama Community Center

Zoom: 7:30 PM on Sep. 26

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