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As usual, we held a meaningful meeting in a good atmosphere. SM Noro served as Coordinator.

Word of the day: SM K. Narisawa

[a point]

He introduced some useful expressions.

Make a point of something: (1) to give one's attention to (do something) to make sure that it happens

(2) to place an emphasis on something

ex. I make a point of doing exercise every morning.

Press the point that ~: to repeat an idea often in a way that is annoying to show that is very important

ex. He presses the point that gold is more valuable than silver.

The point is ~: The important thing is ~

Get (earn, score) Brownie points: to get a credit regarded as earned especially by currying favor (with a superior)

Get to the point: to reach the main or most important idea of something that is said or written

ex. It took several paragraphs for her to get to the point of her argument.

Lecture: SM Yu. Narisawa

He shared some interesting idioms using a short story, "An Englishman's House Is His Castle."

(1) a baptism of fire: one's first test, usually a hard one

(2) to have seen better days: to have past one's prime

(3) An Englishman's home is his castle.: A person's home is a place where they can be private and safe and do as they like.

(4) to stick out like a sore thumb: to be very noticeable in an unpleasant way

(5) to let the side down: to disappoint one's friends or colleagues

(6) to get the cold shoulder: to be treated in an unfriendly way

(7) to turn green with envy: to be very jealous

(8) fair weather friends: people who are nice only when things are going well

Table Topic Speech

(1) Do you think crying is a sign of weakness or strength?

(2) Things you can make out of snow

(3) Are you holding onto something that you need to let go of?

(4) What gets you excited about life?

(5) Have you done anything lately worth remembering?

Prepared Speech

"Kamakura": SM Yoko Narisawa

Speaking of Kamakura, it's well known as a very popular sightseeing spot. She lived there for three years

just after graduating from college. Kamakura is liked as an ancient city with a great deal of atmosphere

by a lot of people. But looking back on the Kamakura era, it had a bloodcurdling history.

She is watching an NHK 大河ドラマ 鎌倉殿の13人 every Sunday. In this drama there are so many fighting

scenes. Those scenes are sometimes so cruel. Minamoto Yoritomo went to any lengths to get what he

wanted. Anyone who disobeyed Yoritomo was destined to be killed. He always stroke horror into the

minds of his own men. He is described as a cold-hearted man. She didn't know how Yoritomo had been as

cool as ice. Historically speaking, Kamakura had a dark history. But Kamakura today is totally different from 1000 years ago. She'd like to give you a piece of information about sweets that is sold in 小町通り. It's named the most delicious apple pie in the world. Please try it when you have a chance to visit Kamakura.

"Play it safe or take a risk" SM Eda

In his opinion, older generations like to have the tendency to play it safe. Like in baseball games, sacrifice bunts, hitting balls to second baseman or first baseman when a man is on second base. Mr. Kawakami

liked that kind of managing style and won the Japan Series nine years in a row.

However, millennium or z generation started to emerge, they have take risks because the Japanese government accumulated gigantic debts. So, m or z generation can't depend on our government's pension plan. They have to invest their money on stocks, funds, or foreign exchange.

He is not sure about the current business trend in Japan, but he watched TV news this morning, which said more and more m or z generation started to think of becoming entrepreneurs in Korea. It is because the unemployment of young Koreans are very high. He doesn't know what is happening in Japanese business and after covid 19, Russian invasion and depreciation of yen. So, he's not sure if Japanese young people are the same way as Korean youths. He used to aspire to go overseas and help people in need, such as refugees, poverty stricken people, and so forth. The problem is he doesn't have special skills like treating patients or civil engineering. So he's been hesitant. He thought about serving the needy overseas, but sadly he hasn't put it into practice. He has played it safe. He's been a public servant all his life for 36 plus years and has never taken risks. He is not sure if he is thinking about what his life would have been because he has 'middle age crisis.' However, he sometimes can't help thinking of serving foreign people in foreign land. It may not be that we have tendency to dream of something we don't have. He's played it safe all his life, which may have seemed to be wisdom, but what he really wants to know is what he was wired for.

"Scam call": SM Takahata

She talked about a scam call she'd received recently. It was from a scammer masquerading as an official of National Health Insurance section at Atsugi City Office. Fortunately, it had no financial damage for her. However, she realized that the world is full of scammers. She concluded that "we should keep our eyes open and never trust a stranger."

Meeting schedules

Zoom meeting: 7:30 to 9:00 PM on May 16, 23, 30

In-person meeting: 9:30 to 12:00 AM on May 28, Jun. 11, 25 at Oyama Community Center

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