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We had an in-person meeting for the first time in three weeks and had a profitable time.

SM Yu. Narisawa served as a coordinator.

The word of the day [SM K. Narisawa]


(What proper word should you use in the situation; You ask 'Can I get your sign?' when you happen to meet a celeb. → The answer is autograph.)

When used as a noun

1) a road [traffic] sign

2) Yawning is a sign that you are sleepy or tired.

3) There are no signs of human habitation.

4) They don't detect a sign of foul play of the Chinese short track team.

Longman: a piece of paper, metal, or wood with words or a picture that gives people information, warnings, instructions

When used as a verb

1) sign one's name on [to] a check

2) Will you sign (your name) on the dotted line?

3) He signed (for) them to get out of the hotel

Phrasal verb

<sign up for>

He signed up for the advanced class.

Sign up for the free newspaper.

I'm going to sign up for a new mobile phone contract.

Did you sign up for the event?

<to put your name on a list for something because you want to take part in it>

Lecture [SM Takahata]

Say What You Mean (2019)

1 A quality that is not innate, but is gained through study or some other effort, is (acquired). Such as "That's an (acquired) accent; she took extensive voice training."

2 People's trains or intellect are sometimes referred to as the (old) (gray) (matter). For example, "He reads a lot to stimulate the (old) (gray) (matter)."

3 A related or pertinent factor is a (relevant) factor. Such as "We consider a number of (relevant) factors when hiring people, including previous experience."

4 When there is no (denying) something, it must be acknowledged as true, it's irrefutable.

The rest is omitted.

Table Topic Speech

1 The best summer break destinations

2 Working from home or at the office--- which is better?

3 Three most essential inventions ever

4 My dream job

5 The best surprise ever

Prepared Speech

1. How to deal with waste [SM Yoko Narisawa]

The environmental problem is a popular topic these days. We dump trash every day. We thoughtlessly throw away something we can still use. At the end of the last year, I had trouble with the toilet tank.

I had to flush the toilet for a week by using the water in the bathtub. I always empty the water in the bathtub without making good use of it. This trouble made me notice the importance of reuse.

Now there is a big argument about 安倍のマスク. It is considered to have been a waste of money. The government should find the best way to deal with them. The movement of reducing waste has been spreading all over the world. New products have been made from waste. For example, PRADA's bag

made from used fishing nets, tote bags made of used fire hose. We have to make a mental note not to waste things we can still use. Let's start with what we can do now.

2. Why is the sun burning all the time? [SM Noro]

I will pick up a question and answer it. The question is the following. Why is the sun burning all the time?

And how long will the sun keep burning? The sun gives off large amounts of energy and light by a nuclear fusion reaction of hydrogen to form helium. The most important point is that nuclear fusion is the energy process that powers the stars. Nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two atomic nuclei are combined to form one different atomic nuclei and other neutrons or protons.

The difference in mass between the reactants and products is manifested as the release of energy. The sun will exist for around 10 billion years. And the sun is now about 4.7 billion years old.

The reverse process is called nuclear fission. Nuclear fission is a reaction in which the nucleus of an atom splits into two or more smaller nuclei. Generally, nuclear fusion uses lighter elements, such as hydrogen and helium, which are in general more fusible; while the heavier elements, such as uranium and plutonium, are more fissionable.

The fission process often produces gamma photons, and releases a very large amount of energy.

Nuclear fusion reaction is not chained, does not produce dangerous radioactivity and radioactive substances. So, fusion reactions have the potential to solve our environmental problems. After the fusion reactor is put into practical use, it will be possible to provide almost infinite, safe, clean and green energy.

3. Seeing good things in people [SM Eda]

One of the qualities leaders should have is the ability to see good things in those who are under them.

Do you remember a man named Akira Ogi, a manager of the Buffaloes? He was a great manager, who changed his team's batting order almost every day, and most of the time his decision was right. He led the Buffaloes to Pacific League Champions twice. He even beat the Giants to win the Japan Series Championship.

Mr. Ogi was a second base man who was by no means a good batter. However, he was on the starting line up when the Lions won the Japan Series Championship three years in a row. The manager was Mr. Mihara, who was called 'the magician' because of his very unorthodox but great managing skills. He did not stand out like his team mates, Futoshi Nakanishi, Yasumitsu Toyoda, Kazuhisa Inao. Maybe Mr. Mihara saw a great potential to manage a ball team in Mr. Ogi.

When Mr. Ogi became the skipper, he was also called 'the magician' as his unorthodox but great managing. That must have been the best compliment he could ever received because his beloved manager was called by that name.

However, the most remarkable talent he showed was the ability to see the possibility in others. He saw beatup player, and most of baseball critique thought he was no good any more. Mr. Ogi traded him into his team. He became the leading hitter at the average of .366. His name was Hiromasa Arai.

The story did not end there. Mr. Ogi Arai was invited by Mr. Ogi to help him manage his team as a coach. Mr. Ogi found a frustrated young player, who had not listen to his former manager's order to change his batting form and had been sent back to the second team. Mr. Arai coached him and the young man not just became seven consecutive batting champion but was awarded the first Japanese Major League MVP and collected more than 3,000 career hits. The frustrated young man was 'the baseball legend' Ichiro Suzuki.

There once a young writer, who took his works to many editors. Every time he asked them to publish his novel, it was turned down. He was so discouraged and though about giving up the idea of becoming a

novelist. One day, as he asked an editor to use his work. Although he declined, he said something that changed the life of one young man. He said, "I cannot use your novel this time, but I see some talent in you. So don't give up writing." This young man was greatly encouraged and went home with eyes full of

tears. He kept on writing and eventually became one of the best modern day writer Charles Dickens (I think).

I would also like to see good things and encourage my students.

Meeting Schedule

In-person meeting: 9:30 AM to 12:00 Feb. 26 at Oyama Community Center

Zoom meeting: 7:30 PM to 9:00 Feb. 14, 21, 28

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