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Hello everyone! in the president's greeting, the president took up two factors out of 4 that lead to dementia.

1) how fast you can walk

2) how you look: do you look younger than you really are? or older for your age?

The answers are clear as day. If you can walk at brisk pace and look younger foor your age, you are more likely to keep dementia at bay. More important than the two attributes is enthusiasm toward English. In other word, we are here not only to study English but to fight against dementia as well.

Word of the day: SM Yu. Narisawa

< light-hearted / lighthearted>

1. intended to be amusing or easily enjoyable rather than too serious

ex. He made a lighthearted speech.

(intoduction, debate, discussion, joke, atmosphere,...)

2. cheerful and without problems

ex. She felt lighthearted and optimistic.

(people, view, laught, manner, approach,...)

< heavy-hearted / heavyhearted>

depressed feeling: in a black mood

ex. It’s been a heavyhearted day today.

ex. He gave a heavyhearted sigh.

(day, people, mood,...)

<-hearted words>


warm-hearted / warmhearted

cold-hearted / coldhearted

good-hearted / goodhearted

black-hearted / blackhearted


Lionhearted / lion-hearted

strong-hearted / stronghearted

faint-hearted / fainthearted

weak-hearted / weakhearted

Lecture: SM Noro

The lecturer introduced 50 Question Level Test on the

The excerpts are as follows. Slect the correct answer.

Q39 - It's time we ____.



□Either could be used here.

Q40 - She had her dog put ___ sleep because it had a malignant tumour.




Q41 - They were in ____ trouble.


□so much

□Either could be used here.

Q42 - The government was anxious about the results of the official ____.



□Either could be used here.

Q43 - I don't know how I'd have got ____ it without your support.



□Either could be used here.

Q44 - It ____ ten minutes to do the test.

□only took him

□took him only

□Either could be used here.

Q45 - It was ____ better than I was expecting it to be.



Q46 - I ____ enjoyed meeting them



□Either could be used here.

Q47 - She went ___ to become a minister.



Q48 - I tired ___ it.

□of doing

□to do


Q49 - They have yet to ____ the details of the plan.



Q50 - I spent twenty minutes ___ the test.


□to do


Table topic speech

(1) Great things about the ocean

(2) Thing I'ii never eat

(3) Three things that scare me

(4) The most romantic movie

(5) How I choose friends

(6) My favorite world capital city

Prepared Speech

(1) "Summer tradition": SM Yoko Narisawa

Speaking of summer tradition, there are various things which bring us the real feeling of summer, such as fireworks, fireflies or many kinds of summer festivals. Those summer traditions make us feel excited. But we haven’t enjoyed them for the past several years because of COVID 19 and abnormal weather. But in spite of such a difficult situation, there is one summer tradition that has lasted for more than 100 years although it was canceled three times. That is the All-Japan High School Baseball Championship Tournament. It was the only one which brought me the real feeling of summer this year. When it starts, it always reminds me of two games a long time ago. The stories of those games have been handed down as famous ones in the long history. I ‘d like to talk a little about these two games.

One is the final game between Misawa and Matsuyama Shogyo in 1969. I remember people all over Japan were glued to the TV. Both pichers, Ohta Koji and Inoue Akira, pitched very well throughout the game. The game lasted two days. All players did their best. I wished both teams could win the game. The result was Matsuyama Shogyo won the game. This is an unfogettable game.

The other is also the final game between Komadai Tomakomai and Waseda Jitsugyo. This game also lasted two days. Waseda Jitsugyo won the game. But the name “ ハンカチ王子 ” rather than the game itself remains in my memory. Saito’s pure smile and his behavior like wiping the perspiration from his forehead with a handkerchief made a strong impression on us. I will never forget these two games.

This summer has gone. I hope the next summer will bring us a lot of pleasure.

(2) "Sad accidents involving children": SM Takahata

Recently, sad accidents involving children have occurred. The speaker introduced the details of the news about the child's body found floating in Toyama bay. And she talked about her persomal incident that occurred almost 30 years ago. Her daughter became missing for a short period of time when she was 2 years old at the riverbed of Sagami River. Fortunately, she was found without any damage. But the speaker realized that even at the age of 2 years old, small kids can take a long walk alone. The speaker also talked about the children died of heatstroke when left in a car. They were found in the parking area of Bosai no Oka Park in Atsugi near the speaker's house. The speaker hopes such kind of tragedy will never occur again.

(3) “STRANGE OR NOT”: SM Yoshikawa

This short story describes your bias. If it sounds strange to you, this means you have a biased view on a certain aspect. Read this story carefully to find out what kind of bias you have.

It was on one Sunday afternoon. A boy and his father went for a drive. For a while, they enjoyed driving. However, they got involved in an accident.

Fortunately, the father was fine. However, the boy was seriously injured and needed an emergency surgery. As it was on Sunday, almost all hospitals were closed, but there was one providing emergency care.

The doctor on duty happened to be the manager of the surgical department. The father asked the surgeon to perform his son’s operation, but the surgeon refused.

“ I cannot perform the operation, because he is my son.”

A : Gender Bias

The doctor was his mother. If you have an impression that the boy has two fathers, it means you unconsciously determine that the manager of a surgical department is a man.

Meeting schedule

In-person: 9:30 AM on Sep. 24 at Oyama Community Center

Zoom: 7:30 PM on Sep. 12, 19 and 26



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