Today we have a guest with us. We think it right and proper to ask her for her introduction. After that, we will proceed to introduce ourselves. We fervently hope she can observe what we are usually doing and that she comes to like our club and become a regular member.
Word of the day: SM K. Narisawa
*Drag (v):
*Drag someone into something←→drag someone out of something
(definition) to force someone to become involved in an unpleasant or difficult situation:
I’m sorry to drag you into this.
*Drag someone down = bring someone down
Joe’s been ill for weeks now – it’s really dragging him down.
*Drag one’s feet /heels
*Drag on (v) (definition) last/ continue
(vi) I caught a cold and it drags on. (vt) Don’t drag on the meeting. I have a plan this evening. *Drag (n) (definition) something that is not convenient and is boring or unpleasant:
Her father is a drag on her career. The following are kind of English composition by using ‘drag’ in it. Take each deswas cription into consideration, and construct an English sentence of your own comprehensive of the given information.
1) The situation is very bad and it certainly is not advantageous to our projects.
2) Everybody doesn’t want the project to take a month to complete. But we grudgingly admit it will take a month.
3) She had a canoe. She didn’t lift it, so she pulled it on the grand to the river.
4) Various kinds of stress he got at work began to take its toll on him.
5) I don’t want to take any part of the argument because it’s none of my business.
Lecture: SM Takahata
Use the following information to answer the question below.
The loss of stored personal information is hardly a new thing.
Customer lists can be (1) inadvertently left behind in trains, and gusts of winds can blow away filed-out questionnaire forms. Back when personal information was committed to paper, I imagine that any loss would have been (2) in the order of hundreds of entries at most. But in the digital age, there is often no upper limit. In a case that occurred in Amagasaki, Hyogo Prefecture, an employee of a company subcontracted by the city authorities lost a USB memory stick containing personal information on all 460,000 Amagasaki residents, including their names, addresses, dates of birth and amounts of resident tax they paid. In a worst case scenario, it was feared the data could be used (3) fraudulently or for other (4) (c ) (p ) [犯罪目的].
(5) When the flash drive turned up June 24, many residents must have felt relieved, at least temporarily. Still, the (6) laxness of the people entrusted with the responsibility of handling such a vast quantity of data is (7) disconcerting. This sorry episode began when (8) an employee put the memory stick in his bag without authorization and went to a bar, [he /got /asleep /in the street/ where /so hammered /he /fell ]. At a news conference held after the loss of the USB device came to light, a city official gave away the memory setting of the password length, (9) unwittingly providing a clue to accessing the file.
Digitalization has made life convenient, but it also places greater responsibility on every member of society. Many government offices and private corporations store information digitally which, if leaked, let alone a cyberattack, could prove fatal. In this digital era, it is provably inappropriate for me to write that the citizens of Amagasaki were “relieved” by the recovery of the missing flash drive. I say this because there is no knowing if someone has already (10) (t ) a (p )=[盗み見された] at the stored information.
[Q.1] 下線部(1), (2), (3), (6), (7) (9)の言い換えとして最も適するものを選びなさい。
(1) inadvertently
(a) illegally (b) intentionally (c) carelessly (d) frequently
(2) in the order of
(a) exactly (b) accidentally (c) naturally (d) approximately
(3) fraudulently
(a) randomly (b) deceitfully (c) beneficially (d) freely
(6) laxness
(a) skillfulness (b) difficulty (c) looseness (d) wealth
(7) disconcerting
(a) disturbing (b) admirable (c) unrelated (d) unnecessary
(9) unwittingly
(a) faithfully (b) unknowingly (c) seriously (d) randomly
[Q.2] 下線部(8)が「担当社員は、USBメモリーを許可なくカバンに入れてそのまま飲み屋に行き、そこで泥酔して路上で寝てしまった」という趣旨の英文になるよう[ ]内の語を並べ替えなさい。
[Q.3] (4), (10)に適切な語を入れなさい。
[Q.4] (5)について、筆者はここで自分が用いたある表現が不適切だと考えている、と最後に述べていますが、それはなぜですか?どの表現を不適切と考えているのかを明確にしたうえで、(80字以内の)日本語で説明しなさい。⇒Please explain it in English.
(1) (c), (2) (d), (3) (b), (6) (c), (7) (a), (9) (b)
[where he got so hammered he fell asleep in the street]
(4) (criminal) (purposes) (10) (taken) a (peek)
USBメモリー(フラッシュドライブ)が見つかった時点で、その中の情報が誰かにのぞき見られていないかどうかわからないので、尼崎市民の気持ちを「ほっとした」と表現するのは不適切だと考えている。[Ex.: The writer thinks that the expression, "relieved" may be inappropriate because it is not yet clear whether anyone has already taken a peek at the data stored in the USB memory stick.)
Table Topic Speech
(1) Why older women do not want to admit thier age?
(2) Three fun games to play at the beach
(3) What was your last major acomplishment?
(4) How to determine you are addicted to the Internet
(5) Happy puppies make humans happy
Prepared Speech
(1) My challenge now: SM Koizumi
As you know I'm a prisoner of social dance.
I've done some demonstration of social dance before children or audience several times.
Then there was an offer from a leader of theatrical troupe to study stage performance and go on stage this year. Then I thought this offer may match for my stream of my life, and accepted it.
On 28th March was first lesson and continued lessons more than once a week.
Voice training comes first for every lesson. The stage performance consists of several points.
Not only my lines, but also actions, dancing, singing are important.
I'll play a role of "Inu-ojisan", a master of dogs in the play "Mahou tsukai no iru machi", a town with witches and wizards. Now, today is almost 1 month before my first stage acting before the audience.
I believe this challenge will bring something good in my future. My challenge now makes my future more meaningful. Now I feel "Chim dong dong", most exciting.
(2) There are many kinds of occupation: SM Yoko Narisawa
According to the last year’s research about elementary school students’
There are many kinds of occupations.
Future occupation, the top three occupations boys and girls respectively chose are as follows.
[ boys ]
The first one is police officer
The second one is sports player
The third one is fire fighter
[ girls ]
The first one is baker
The second one is entertainer
The third one is nurse
From the result of the research, I got the impression that each occupation they chose was practicable. When I was in elementary school, children aspired to become a scientist, a doctor, a pilot, or an astronaut with a grea ambition.
The other day, I happened to get information about a funny job. That was about a candy maker in Canada. The company is now recruiting some people who have a good palate for candies. Anyone who is over 5 years old can apply for the job. Remote work is possible. The annual salary is about 10 million yen. I don’t know the concrete way to work and the contents of the work. But it is certain that they have to taste a lot of candies every day. It must be very hard. The salary is very high, but life isn’t as easy as we think. There is a rare job in the world, isn’t there?
Meeting Schedule
In-person: 9:30 AM on Aug. 27 at Oyama Community Center (tee room)
Zoom: 7:30 PM on Aug. 15, 22, 29