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We were happy to have an in-person meeting with the number of COVID-19 cases rising again.

In the President's remark, SM K. Narisawa told us it takes long time to master English from his own experiences. And he encouraged us to keep on learning English.

Word of the day: SM Noro


“Account” is composed of “ac” plus “count”. So, it has the original meaning of “to calculate and put into it to something”.

- The verb "account" is often followed by the preposition "for”.

Phrasal verb: “Account for something” is used for in many ways.

(1)to give a satisfactory explanation of why something has happened or why you did something = explain

*You must account for your absence.

(2)to be a particular amount or part of something = occupy

*Men account for about 15% of nurses in Japan.

(3)to be the reason for

*The trade depression accounts for the low prices.

- Furthermore, account has various meanings as a noun. Do you know what "account" means in the following English sentence?

(1)You must open an account with a bank.

(2)He was too shocked to give an account of what had happened.

(3)Can you charge this to my account please?

(4)Our sales manager has secured several big accounts recently.

(5)You must take into account that he is Japanese.

(6)an Internet account / an e-mail account

- The derivatives to remember is “accountable” or “accountability”.

(1)responsible for the effects of your actions and willing to explain or be criticized for them.

*The government should be accountable to all the people of the country.

*Managers must be accountable for their decisions.

*The politician has not yet achieved accountability.

Lecture: SM Yu. Narisawa


(1) If x<y, 2x=A, and 2y=B, then

(A) A=B (B) A<B (C) A>B (D) A<x (E) B<y

(2) If a>b, and c>d, then

(A) a=c (B) a<d (C) ad=bc (D) ac<bd (E) ac>bd

(3) If ab>0, and a<0, which of the following is negative?

(A) b (B) -b (C) -a (D) (a-b) (E) -(ab)

(4) If 4-x>5, then

(A) x>1 (B) x>-1 (C) x<1 (D) x<-1 (E) x=-1

(5) Point X is located on line segment AB (線分AB) and Point Y is located on line segment CD. If AB is CD and AX>CY, then


(6) If x and y are positive integers such that 0<(x+y)<10, then which of the following must be true?

(A) x<8 (B) x>3 (C) x<y (D) x+y=5 (E) x-y ≦7

(7) $x is such that $x is equal to the largest less than x. What is the value of $6.99 times $-2.01?

(A) 18 (B) 12 (C) -12 (D) -18 (E) -21


(1) B (2) E (3) A (4) D (5) B (6) E (7) D

Table Topic Speech

(1) How to survive on minimum wage

(2) How to succeed in college without attending class

(3) Unexpected disasters that can happen

(4) April fool's day

(5) How to make fun every day in life

Prepared Speech

(1) "Omotenasi" SM K. Narisawa

The speaker talked about 'Omotenasi' or hospitality in his speech. The concept of Omotenasi has been around for many years, so we didn't think much of it until Takigawa Cristel took up that word at a conference whose purpose was to decide on Summer Olympics 2020. The speaker gave some insight into the concept and conclude that indeed Omotenasi is uniquely Japanese. He wrapped up his speech with a joke that goes like he wanted to get hospitalized at Kitasato Uiv. Hospital because all the staff members were hospitable.

(2) "Decline of letter writing" SM Takahata

The speaker talked about her experience resulted from decline of letter writing. She found her handwriting skills getting worse and began a correspondence with her old friend. She said that exchanging letters may be out of date but she feels happy every time when she finds a letter from her friend. She also talked about misdelivery of a letter to her granddaughter. She said it may be difficult to keep keep the mail delivery service at uniform prices throughout the country.

Meeting schedules

In-person: 9:30 AM on Jul. 23 at Oyama Community Center

Coordinator: SM Noro, Word of the day: SM Takahata, Lecturer: SM Eda

Zoom: 7:30 PM on Jul. 11, 18, 25



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