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Hello everyone! In today's president's remark, SM Kei Narisawa talked about the importance of output, that's to say, expressing yourselves. According to a linguist, 70% of your effort should be allotted to speaking English and 30% absorbing knowledge of English. This may not be the one and only way to master English, but it is worth a try.

Word of the day: SM Takahata



(1) A strong sudden physical reaction that you cannot control, for example coughing or laughing

Everyone collapsed in fits of laughter.

(2) An occasion when someone becomes unconscious for a short time and their body shakes

The baby’s having a fit! Call the doctor!

(3) Used for saying whether something is the right size and shape for someone or something

This jacket is a beautiful fit.

(4) Used for saying whether people or things are similar to each other or are appropriate for each other

There was a good fit between the managers’ goals and the staff.


(1) Healthy, strong, and able to do physical exercise without getting very tired.

The more usual way to say this is be in good shape.

Running around after the kids keeps me fit.

(2) In a good enough physical or mental condition

You are not in a fit state to drive.

(3) Of a good enough standard for someone or something

The house was not fit for human habitation.



(1) To be right size/shape: If someone or something fits somewhere, they are small enough or the right size and shape to go there.

I don’t think that box will fit.

(2) About clothes: If clothes fit, they are the right size for you.

It is important that children’s shoes fit correctly.

(3) To be suitable or similar enough to belong to a group

His writing didn’t fit into any traditional literary category.

(1) To be the truth, or to be the same as what someone describes or asks for

Something in her story didn’t fit.

None of the candidates fits for criteria.

(2) To be appropriate or right for something

We need a name that fits our image.


(1) To measure a person and then provide a correct size of clothing or piece of equipment.

When you buy a new suit, you should be professionally fitted.

(2) To provide someone with the qualifications or qualities that they need for a job or a particular purpose.

This school fits students for college.

Please fill in the blank.

(1) I’m glad to see you looking fit as a (fiddle).

= completely healthy

(2) We worked till we were fit to (drop).

= extremely tired after using a lot of effort or energy

(3) We need a fast car, and this one fits the (bill)

= to have the qualities needed or asked for

(4) They are screaming fit to wake the (dead).

= extremely loud

(5) She tends to do things in fits and (starts).

= repeatedly starting and stopping

(6) This dress fits me like a (glove).

= exactly the right size

Lecture: SM Eda

He gave us an interesting and exciting lecture using a song, "Honesty" created and sung by Billy Joel.

- Listening Quiz

- Rhyme explanation

- Finding 2 grammatical mistakes

- What are the singer's complaints?

Table Topic Speech

(1) Anyone can be millionaire if they work hard enough.

(2) The greatest gift we can give others is?

(3) Funny holidays in other countries

(4) The most successful person I know

(5) How to give pet dog or cat a pill

Prepared Speech

(1) "Epidemic of Violence": SM Yu. Narisawa

You might not have heard a YouTube program named "Breaking Down," but the prog ram is a hit especially among young people. The program is organized by a fighting sport champion player Asakura Mikuru. There the stronger the better. Winning is justice. These days violence is rampant all over the world. The speaker thinks that Putin’s invasion is one of the examples. The end of the war is nowhere in sight. The problem is after the war. He is wondering how the world would accept Putin. It’s another tough question to solve. He said he has no clue, though.

(2) "Weeding a garden during summer": SM Yoko Narisawa

Weeding a garden during summer is a distress to the speaker. Summer weeds are tough and grow quickly. At this time of the year, she has to weed a garden many times. If there is no need to weed a garden, she feels happy. But how is it possible not to weed a garden? She has tried five ways.

The first one: cutting weeds with a sickle

The second one: using weed killer

The third one: covering the ground with sheets

The fourth one: covering with tiles

The fifth one: cutting weeds with a machine

But nothing was perfect. Each way has both merits and demerits. So she came to the conclusion that she had her husband weed a garden with a machine and she cut weeds in narrow space with a sickle.

(3) "A gap between ideal and reality": SM Kei Narisawa

The speaker is reading a novel in which the protagonist is forced to master Italian for a matter of three months. It’s a matter of life and death for him. No choice for him.

The speaker also watched a U-tube program in which a young Bulgarian girl spoke fluent Japanese. She had an experience of studying in Japan. How could people like her and the main character in a novel become a great speaker of a foreign language? Does it mean we still have a chance to be like them?

He ended his speech by making a point of output, that is to say, speaking English in contrast to input, studying English at the desk.

Meeting schedule

In-person: 9:30 AM on Aug. 13 at Oyama Community Center (tee room)

Coordinator: SM Eda, Word of the day: SM Kei Narisawa, Lecturer: SM Takahata

Zoom: 7:30 PM on Jul. 25, 3:00 PM on Jul. 30



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