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2021/7/10(土) SMC

Hi everyone! Here is the summary of the meeting held on June 10 at Chuo Community Center.

I basically quoted the English emailed to me from each speaker.

SM Yamazaki and SM Takahata served as the Coordinator and the Lecturer respectively.


<New terms of COVID-19>

Coronacranky: Short-tempered as a result of enduring lockdown

Cotonaidiot: a person who is acting idiotically about the virus, someone who ignore the warnings regarding public health or safety or a person who hoard the goods, denying them from their neighbors.

Covidient: a person who is obedient to the earnings or orders regarding public health or safety

Safecation: a holiday in a destination thought to be safe while the pandemic continues elsewhere

Spendemic: a dramatic increase in online shopping by those confined during the coronavirus crisis

Infodemic: the accelerated spread of disinformation

Table Topics Speeches

<What do you want most now?> (SM Noro)

<What will make you give up on?> (SM K. Narisawa)

<Interesting things in the sky> (SM Kaneko)

< > (SM Yo. Narisawa)

< > (SM Takahata)

Prepared Speeches

<The most memorable event in my life> (SM Yo. Narisawa)

The speaker’s son’s baby is due at the end of this month. The birth of her grandchild reminded her of the day when she gave birth to her son. She said she remembered it as the hardest time in her life. But after the birth, she shed tears of joy in her eyes. She said she hopes her son's wife will be able to give birth to the baby safely. She also said “I don't know what my grandchild's face is like. I'm looking forward to seeing him as soon as possible after the birth”

<Sleep deprivation> (SM K. Narisawa)

First off, he admitted that he stole the idea of the speech title given to other member of SMC at the previous on-line meeting. It was about what you think about just before bedtime. The speaker first talked about his life-style when he was a college student. At that time, he didn't have any difficulty sleeping, citing an analogy that he fell asleep before the back of his head touched the pillow. But in his adulthood, he began to have insomnia because he reflected on what he did the previous days and kept thinking about what he should do the next day. As a conclusion, he thinks he can go nowhere if he gives much thought to things like those mentioned above. Rather he knows he should turn to happier thoughts like what if he were a baseball player playing for the Angels. With the help of sleeping pills, he falls asleep before he can come up with the answer to the what-if question.

<Politician> (SM Noro)

The speaker said that he is fed up with the Primer Minister’s manner of responding to questions from reporters. Some of the answers obviously appear to evade the intentions of reporters. He said emphatically that politicians should be polite to the public. Also he quoted the definition from Cambridge Dictionary that read “Statesman” is an experienced politician, especially one who is respected for making good judgment. He also said that the Prime Minister never communicates politics to the public and never responds to questions honestly.

<Spending time> (SM Kaneno)

Rainy season: “Now, we're having a distinct rainy season, although today is a fine day. It's easier to get through rainy days than hot summer days. However, hot summer days can be enjoyed as well as rainy days.”

Shogi: “I like to play shogi online. It makes me sleep well. But spending a lot of time without saying anything is not good for your health. Anyway, I'm a big fan of shogi and I like strong players.”

Learning English as a way of reducing stress: "I read English sentences aloud emphasizing word stresses like British premier Boris Johnson. By doing so, I can reduce my stress.“

Meeting schedule

July 12 ZOOM meeting

Coordinator: SM Takahata

July 24

Oyama Community Center

Coordinator and Lecturer: SM Noro

July 31

ZOOM meeting

Coordinator: SM Takahata

Reported by YAMAZAKI



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