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K. Narisawaさん、Yo. Narisawaさん、Kanekoさん、Koizumiさん,Takahataさん、Noroさん、Yu. Narisawaさん、Yamazakiの8名の参加でした。


◆ Lecture

“How To Give A Great Speech by Jacquelyn Smith”


“ A text version still flies around the Web.”

“People don’t remember much of what they hear, so focus and keep it simple.”

“People would find speechwriting much easier if they realized that all they needed to do was to find a key message and three great stories to support it.”

“Stories stick in people’s mind.”

“When you tell people a story, it arouses their brains, which makes that content sticky. In other words, if you make people feel what you are talking about, they won’t forget it.”

“Get right into the story and let the audience know what your talk will be about.”

“If you shows signs of nervousness, like crossing your arms, or clutching your hands in front of your stomach, your audience will sense your trepidation and be less open to your message.”

“Successful public speaking is all about passion and emotion. If you are excited, then your audience will be, too”

“Softness doesn’t detract from a speech if you’re committed to what you’re saying. Passion, commitment and conviction are critical for delivery, and you can do that whether you’re soft-spoken or not.”

◆ Table Topic Speech

. What animal represents you? Why?

. If I could grant you wish what you wish for?

. Is stealing always wrong?

. What three pieces of advice you will give to your children?

. Which is worse, failing or never trying?

. What is the most unhealthy food, you can think of?

. How often do you lie? When is it to lie?

◆ Prepared Speech

“What Do You Do When You Buy Food at a Supermarket?” (Yu. Narisawaさん)

奥様からの小言にめげず”a half-priced cheese hunter”を自認されているYuさんは、”food loss”の問題提起をされました。

“Hairstyle” (Yo. Narisawa)

ヘアースタイルについての差別に当たるかどうかの指針が発表されたというThe New York Timesの記事から、肌の色など見た目の差別の問題を抱えるアメリカならではの問題提起でした。ひるがえって、日本はどうか。就活でのリクルートカットなどにも話は広がるスピーチでした。

“Monster parent”(K. Narisawaさん)

ご自身が体験したことMonster parentsについての具体例を挙げつつ、笑いで包むKさんならではのエンディングでした。

. The custom is not in order nowadays.

. She had made a report of how cursorily I had checked.

. Like father like son.

. She was bad mouthed.

“Memories of moving” (Takahataさん)


“Knee-ache story” (Koizumiさん)


“Communication with others” (Yamazaki)


◆ Presidential remarks

. a premium diction(=expression)

. A gray suit can’t go wrong when you have an interview.

. You can’t go wrong with a gray suit when you have an interview.

. unsolicited advice(頼まれもせずにする助言)

. repent =regret



CoordinatorはK. Narisawaさん、LecturerはTakahataさんの予定です。

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