K. Narisawaさん、Yo. Narisawaさん、Kanekoさん、Takahataさん、Yu. Narisawaさん、Yamazakiの6名の参加でした。

◆ Lecture
1. Another way to say in a friendly manner is (amicably). “We (amicably) ended our business partnership”.
2. If someone makes people talk, makes people gossip, it gets their tongues (wagging). “Tongues are (wagging) over".
3. When we put our (foot) down, we take a firm stand on something. Things like “He put his (foot) down and refused to work nights.”
4. Asking “What’s the (story)” means what’s going on? As in “What the (story) with our product? Has the launch date changed?”
5. When something becomes popular or established, it takes (hold). Things like “Risk aversion has taken (hold) of the financial markets.”
6. Something that works against our purpose or intention is (counterproductive). For example, “Yelling at people is (counterproductive). They stop listening.
7. There are a lot to be (said) for something, there are significant benefits from that thigs.As in “There are a lot to be (said) for regular saving.”
8. Handling an emergency or urgent situation is putting out a (fire). For example, “The customer service department spends a lot of time putting out (fire).
9. When something drains our physical or mental resources, it is (taxing). Such as “He has a very (taxing) work.
10. Acting in advance to deal with some anticipated problem is being (proactive). Such as “It is important to be (proactive) about internet security and install antiviral software.
11. If something makes it difficult to think or pay attention, it is a (destruction). As in “Cell phones are a dangerous (destruction) while driving.
◆ Table Topic Speech
.What are the primary components of a happy life?
. How do you spend the majority of your free time?
. Who is the strongest person you have?
. Could you explain the life difference between interest and concern?
. Please tell us about the thing that moved you recently.
◆ Prepared Speech
“Soothing words” (K. Narisawaさん)
ご自身が職場などで受けた、与えた”soothing words”でした。
.When I am down in the dumps due to my mistakes, ….
. Someone is good for nothing.
. Screw up …台無しにする
. I am sorry to have put you in trouble…
. Don’t be too hard on yourself.
. I am not always on the receiving end.
. He beamed at my words.
. I could clearly see radiant smile on her face.
"Come and Go” (Yu. Narisawaさん)
. Every day a lot of greedy young newcomers who want to hit the gold mine join in the rat race without thinking about their lack of creativity, sometimes causing problems by their going too far.
“Tools” (Kanekoさん)
“The calm after the storm” (Yo. Narisawaさん)
. “Whenever I tried to return to my house against her wishes, she always put up stubborn resistance to me”.
◆ Presidential remarks
“Where are we?”