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K. Narisawaさん、Y. Narisawaさん、Kanekoさん、Takahataさん、Noroさん、Yu. Narisawaさん、Yamazakiの7名の参加でした。

ConductorはTakahata さん、LecturerはK. Narisawaさんでした。

◆ Lecture

“How much is too much?”


“feel up to”: Be well enough to; feel able to+ ING

My girlfriend has a cold; she doesn’t feel up to going to school.

A: Why does he always jump down your throat?

B: I don’t know. I try to be fair and square but all I get is a kick in the pants. I feel like I’m knocking my head against the wall.

A : It serves you right because you allow him to walk all over you.

B: Don’t rub it in. I don’t like getting the short end of the stick.

◆ Table Topic Speech

. What is the nicest thing someone has ever done for you?

. If you could go back in time and tell a younger version of yourself, one thing, what would you tell?

.What is the most life lesson you learned from your parents?

. What do you have that you cannot live without?

. What do you do to keep fit?

.Could you share your story about insects?

◆ Prepared Speech

“Class reunion” (Yo. Narisawaさん)




“Word of the Year 2017” (Noroさん)

オンラインOxford Dictionaryが“Word of the Year 2017”に”youthquake”を選んだという紹介でした。“youghquake”は若者による社会、政治的影響という意味で、使用頻度が2016から一年で一気に5倍増えたいうものです。

“Two-Way Mobile Charger” (Yu. Narisawaさん)


“Elements” (Kanenkoさん)


◆ Presidential remarks



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