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K. Narisawaさん、Y. Narisawaさん、Hirabayashiさん、Kanekoさん、Takahataさん、Koizumiさん、今回初参加のSatoさん、Yamazakiの8名の参加でした。

ConductorはTakahataさん、LecturerはY. Nariswaさんでした。

◆ Lecture

Y. Narisawaさんが、普段読んでいる小説から引用した用語穴埋め問題でした。本当に、小説にはイディオム満載ですね。

She (came) down with a cold yesterday.

=caught a cold

All my advice was (lost )on her.

= had no effect on

His shoes were (caked) with mud.

= covered with

Her French is so good that she can (pass) as a Frenchmoman.= she is similar enough to a Frenchmoman.

You look a bit under the (weather).

= look ill

Don’t give it a (second) thought.=

Don’t worry about it.

◆ Table Topic Speech

. Please talk about soring.

. When was the last time when you were kind to others?

. What’s your favorite color?

. When you travel what means of transportation do you like to use?

. What’s the biggest question you have about the future?

. What technological advances would you like to see in your lifetime?

. If you got a lot of money, what would you do?

◆ Prepared Speech


“Something to live” (K. Narisawa)


“We played the game for keeps(=forever).”

“come out smelling like a rose”

= To maintain a favorite reputation despite involvement in a scandalous or otherwise negative situation.

To succeed; to do better anyone else in some situation

“About SMC” (Kanekoさん)


“Tokyo Olympic mascot unveiled; now they just need names (“Hirabayashiさん)

2020東京五輪のマスコットのデザインが決まったというNikkei Shimbunからの引用でした。

“deck out”: to dress in fashionable clothes or to dress in a certain style of clothes for a special occasion

“Wow! Ogasawara” (Koizumiさん)


"New things begin” (Yamazaki)


◆ Presidential remarks




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