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11月25日のSMCを報告します。K. Narisawaさん、Y. Narisawaさん、Hirabayashiさん、Kanekoさん、Takahataさん、Yamazakiの6名の参加でした。ConductorはK. Narisawaさん、LecturerはY. Narisawaさんでした。


「実戦ビジネス英語」に使われた語彙穴埋め問題 (fill-in-the blank questions) でした。

1. If you’re active engaged, productive from the start, we hit the ground (running). Such as “He hit the ground (running) immediately proposing marketing ideas”.

2. A short period can also be called a brief (span) of time. For example, “They developed that product in a brief (span) period of time.

3. A chunk of (change) is a large amount of money. For example, “That sports car costs a nice chunk of (change).

4. A sufficient restful sleep is often called a good (night) sleep. As in “I got a good (night) sleep, nine whole hours.

5. When there’s a lot of something, a great deal, there’d no (end) of that thing. Such as “We’ve had no (end) of trouble with this software.

Table Topic Speech

- What was your favorite story from your childhood? - Most memorable Christmas gift you’ve ever received? - Please talk about your favorite flowers. など

Prepared Speech

- Switch powers up Nintendo’s full-year outlook (Hirabayashiさん)

Nikkey Shimbunからの経済記事でした。 ・put up an ambitious sales outlook. ・scramble to keep factories supplied

- Cashless society (Takahataさん)


- A happiness is nothing but sense of happiness (Kanekoさん)

幸福とは何か、幸福についてKanekoさんの哲学論を織り込んだスピーチでした。 ・How happy is a relative thing.

- Three things that interested me (Yamazaki)


Presidential remarks

次回のConductorはY. Narisawaさん、Lecturerは Takahataさんの予定です。

12月の2回(12/9、12/23)は、いずれも小山公民館です。 また今年最後の12/23(土)は、忘年会も予定されています。




・12/23(土)9:30~@小山公民館小会議室 (午後は忘年会のため、部屋の予約はキャンセルしました)


・01/27(土)9:30~@中央公民館小会議室 (17:00まで同部屋をdiscourseのために使用できます)


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