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こんにちは。Yamazakiです6月24日のSMCを報告します。大変遅くなり、すみません。 K. Narisawaさん、Y. Narisawaさん、Hirabayashiさん、Kanekoさん、Takahataさん、Yamazakiの6名の参加でした。ConductorはTakahataさん、LecturerはKanekoさんでした。



- metaphysics: a part of philosophy which is concerned with understanding reality and developing theories about what exists and how you know that it exists(形而上学、抽象的論議、空論)

- metaphysical: relating to metaphysics (cf. metaphysical question like personal responsibility for violence)

- insouciant:action or quality showing someone’s lack of concerns about something which they might be expected to take seriously(無頓着な)

- allegory: a story, poem, or painting in which the characters and events are symbols of something else(寓話)

- allegorical: 寓話的な

- hallucination: an experience of seeing that is not really there because you are ill or have taken a drug(妄想)

- prose: ordinary written language, in contrast to poetry(散文)

Table Topic Speech

- The most forgetful book - What were you like when you were a kid? - The most impressive person you met recently. など

Prepared Speech

- “A trip to Karuizawa” (Y. Narisawaさん)


~ the scene in the song merged with the scene I was looking at ~

- Trump’s haphazard to Middle East may compound risks” (Hirabayashiさん)


~ The US leader likely shied away from delving into further detail because of more pressing problems he faces at home and aboard, including allegations over his ties with Russia, ~

- “English” (K. Narisawaさん)


- “Inspiring pleasure in listening to radio” (Yamazaki)


Presidential remarks


次回7月8日(土)は、ConductorはY. Narisawaさん, LecturerはHirabayashiさんです。


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