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K. Narisawaさん、Y. Narisawaさん、Hirabayashiさん、Kanekoさん、Takahataさん、Yamazakiの6名の参加でした。ConductorはTakahataさん、LecturerはKanekoさんでした。


英語諺の穴埋め問題でした。 もっとスピーチで諺を活用するように意識すれば、自然と知識が増えるのだと反省しました。

- [Art] is long, life is short. (少年老い易く、学成り難し) - Nothing [ventured], nothing gained.(虎穴に入らずんば虎子を得ず) - As you [sow], so shall you reap. (自業自得)

Table Topic Speech

- How are you related to neighborhood? - What would you like to buy in a 100 yen shop? - How have you been?

Prepared Speech

- “Japan farm co-op group kicks off long awaited reforms” (Hirabayashiさん)

(JA全農) は回転ずしチェーン最大手スシローグローバルホールディングス (GHD) に3月中にも最大40億円出資する。民間企業との資本関係をテコに卸業者を通さずコメを店舗に直接売るとともに、外食市場のニーズに応じた品質を農家に求めるというニュース。

A capital partnership is seen tightening ties and enabling more in-depth sharing of information.

- Two heads are better than one (Y. Narisawaさん)


“ 〜 has been weighing heavily on one’s mind” “can get boundless information from each other” “SMC is dependent on all members, not only one member. Each member is indispensable for all of us”

- “La la Land” (K. Narisawaさん)


“She has decided to wash her hands of showbiz.” “Life is like that.” “He looks her straight in her eyes. She smiles faintly and he smiles a knowing smile.” “What I want to note here is the effect of the eye. The eye sometimes speaks volumes. At the last scene, of course, they must feel sad but their eyes show reassurance that they have fulfilled their dreams.”

- “Mono no aware” (Yamazaki)


Presidential remarks


“Pipe dream” (用例:A space trip is no longer a pipe dream [unrealistic])

次回4月8日(土)は、ConductorはY. Narisawaさん, LecturerはHirabayashiさんの予定です。次々回は4月22日 (第4土曜))、いずれも小山公民館、9時30分〜12時です。5月の予定は決まり次第お知らせします。


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