こんにちは。Yamazakiです。今回はK. Narisawaさん、Y. Narisawaさん、Hirabayashiさん、Kanekoさん、Yamazakiの5名の参加でした。ConductorはK. Narisawaさん、LecturerはYamazakiでした。
◆ Lecture
「実践ビジネス英語」(2013, 8月号) "Companion Animals"から。
- advice against〜 - I’m inclined to agree with 〜 - I’m convinced that〜 - develop into full-fledged allergies - keep high blood pressure and stress at bay - have a lower incidence of heart attacks and strokes
◆ Table Topic Speech
◆ Prepared Speech
- Let’s see things from various angles (Y. Narisawaさん)
“Every cloud has a silver lining”「憂いの反面には喜びがある」という格言から始まったスピーチでした。新聞記事で紹介されていた、ある保育園(nursery school)の取り組みである、
“Children put on their rainy coasts and boots and were willingly to head out into the rain and have fun. They enjoy shaking a tree to cause a shower of drops or even lying down in puddles.” この部分が特に興味深かったです。雨も自然現象の一部。このような経験はきっと子供たちにいい思い出になり、自然から学ぶ貴重な体験(教育)になると思いました。
- Message from His Majesty The Emperor (Hirabayashiさん)
・There are times when I feel various constraints such as in my physical fitness. ・contemplate on my role and duties as the Emperor in the days to come ・Every since my succession to the throne, I have carried out the acts of …. ・While, being in position of the Emperor, I must refrain from making any specific comments on the existing Imperial system. ・I have spent my days together with the people of Japan, sharing much of the joys as well as the sorrows that happened in our country. ・It is essential to stand by the people, listen to their voices and be close to them in their thoughts. ・It is my hope that……the Imperial Family can continue to be with the people at all times and can work together with the people to build the future of our country. ・With this earnest wish, I have decided to make my thoughts known.

- Rio Olympics related speech (Kanekoさん)
・馬術: Equestrian ・体操 : Gymnastics ・棒高跳び: Pole Vault ・槍投げ: Javelin Throw ・円盤投げ: Discus Throw ・砲丸投げ: Shot Put ・床運動: Floor Exercise ・鉄棒: Horizontal Bar ・平行棒: Parallel Bars ・つり輪: Rings ・跳馬: Vault ・平均台: Balance Beam

◆ President Remarks
Presidentが補足された英語表現関連表現を調べました。 - ardent listeners - ardent lover of learning - ardent reader of〜 - make ardent efforts to meet someone's expectation 〜

今回のConductorは、PresidentのK. Narisawaさん。